Shadow vs Warrior

I’m kinda new to sp but I don’t see any way to win vs a warrior. I can’t get him off me so I can’t do damage. I fear him and he trinkets or berserk it and continue. I have played a few classes but never felt this overwhelming helplessness against anyone. Is it supposed to be like this?

In arena you rely on instant casts n buying time for your team to setup a win condition essentially. in WPvP or BG´s your win condition in a straight up 1v1 is pretty much “maybe the warrior has a DC” n besides that even a bad warrior is gonna have good winrate against a good spriest just from PvE mode gameplay. That applies to most casters though. Warrior is worse to fight than dk for pretty much all casters other than mages.

For me we are bad versus any mele. Our biggest counter is rogue. We have zero mobility and every mele keep us slowed. I can’t say right now, versus which class we can feel superior. In pure silence we can die, because can’t use any defensive spell.

Better change that thought, in 10.1 there will not be any procs any more.
Welcome the death of spriest in pvp

All casters needs to play around precog to get any meaningful things out. As spriest you have a ton of instant CC aswell but yes caster is harder to utilize than melee, you do have the tools however they´re just alot more difficult to utilize.

Dont play pvp, dont pay credits to blizz on this mode of game where they literally suck. The amount of stuns, interrupts, gap closers, trinkets, slows, snares, immunities etc. melees now have is just literally b.s. Close your war mode. Do your pve. Or play another game if you are a pvper.

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