ShadowHunter class in WoW -help :)

Hello Friends,

Can you please help me with choosing the class to play? I love shadow hunter theme.

Was shadow Hunters more priest/hunter or shaman/hunter? Vol jin is a Shadow Hunter and I believe that he is class to priest class than shaman but Ion said that he is a shaman which is not easy to understand while he doesnt have connection with elements only spirits maybe loas are elements for shamans? Please help :slight_smile:

It’s pretty common for this kind of character to be multiclass. Vol’jin is probably most accurately described, as hunter, with elements of Spriest and some of shamanistic spiritual stuff.

(Druids and Shamans are basically priests by another name socially, in practice)

It’s a troll thing, no class really fits it that well. Shadow hunters can call to a variety of loa, and do a variety of magic stuff. No wonder, considering pretty much any spiritual thing is seen as a loa by trolls. And they do get their connection to the spirits from nature, not from communing with them in some temple, so they have to have a lot of wilderness survival and fighting skills. They are priests in so far as they are talking to the trollish gods, and sometimes invoking shadow powers, they are shamans in so far as they are connected to the lands and its spirits, and they are hunters in as far as they are expert on the wilderness and the hunt. In the WoW P&P they weren’t a base class, they were a prestige class and were summarized as:

Roughly spoken, shadow hunters are former headhunters who have gone deeply into the arts of voodoo and Loa.

And while the RPG was decanonized, the description still seems to be more or less on point.

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So if priests arw more connected to loa it will be more priest/hunter combo. In Hearthstone Voljin is in priest deck for example

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