Shadowlands Campaign

I think the Shadowlands Campaign is completely bugged out for max level characters.
For clarification, I do have a character who has completed the SL Campaign.

Two days ago I went to start doing it on my Priest (level 80), I took the maw skip and arrived in Oribos, now, this is where it gets confusing, the Fate Scribe showed up, despite Threads of Fate supposedly being disabled - however, whilst they showed up and everything around me was frozen, the Fate Scribe gave me no option to skip the SL Campaign, and as I couldn’t do anything else I left, and tried to go back, this time, no Fate Scribe, and no option to even continue the campaign normally.

I have since tried it on two more level 80 characters, and have experienced similar results, however, without the fate scribe step - but both of these characters, after arriving in Oribos, are not presented with an option to continue the campaign normally.

So I now have 3 max level characters who are stuck in Oribos, with no way to start the campaign (or better yet, skip it).


It seems to be a known bug:

I hope someone else has an actual solution that will roll into the post


Yeah, I’d noticed that Threads of Fate was meant to be disabled (the reasoning for which I am not quite sure, don’t see why the SL skip should not be being offered).

It was more just a case I can’t even continue the campaign normally now… :confused:

I have an old guide with a developer copy about that.

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Does this only work with level 60 Dracthyr Evokers?
As I just tried now with my level 70 and, have ended up in the same situation as my other characters, arrived in Oribos, with no fatescribe and no option to even continue the campaign normally.

As far as i personally know it only works for any level 60 character (shadowlands max level) 1 level above or below and the character is screwed. Has been like this for since the first patch od dragonflight i think and its still just dumb

I haven’t updated it because I didn’t try it out yet, what Plagiarized said may apply that only sub level 60* toons can use the skips. (Unverified).

Maybe i understood this wrong and if thats the case my bad. But what i meant to say was only a character exactly level 60 has been able to use the threads from my experience the past year or 2

So i just tried on 3 characters.
Level 59 get to do the story
Level 60 got a choice
Level 61 got to do the story

If you want i can see what happens if i bring the 60 to 61 and what happens then with world quests and such. And same for 59 to 60

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I did the skip a few weeks ago on one of my characters I leveled in the pre-event, the NPC wouldn’t show up for them at all and then I did something I think talk to Bolvar? in Stormwind then the NPC showed up.

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Big mistake placing expansions in a isolated bubble. New maps should simply to be part of the world available without some special unlocking scenario/ feature.
Imagine having to do scenario to unlock Ashenvale :man_facepalming:

Had a similar issue on my DH altho i dont remember the fatescribe ever popping up, and now im forced to do the entire campaign if i wanna choose covenant and also unlock the maw to do the raids… like what?

This is another of my biggest gripes with the whole thing, it means I can’t do Sanctum or Sepulchre on any alts without first having gone through the entiiiiire story :confused:

It was disabled until level 60. The reason is simple. Why would you choose to level in SL and then skip the campaign which would have been the main source of xp to actually level.
The idea was that if you didn’t want to do the SL campaign you should pick another expansion to level in, then when leveled you go to Oribos and skip the campaign so you can access the areas for non-leveling reasons.

Seriously remove threads of fate if you want (although I think it’s stupid) but let us access Zereth Mortis and Sanctum.


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