Shadowlands Chromie Time thingie

What I gathered so far:
Chromie time basicly makes the entire game a classic mode, but with retail stuff, which would be pretty much the golden grail in my opinion.
However, this would kinda axe current classic and also the rumored TBC classic.
So they delete the feature when it would come the juicy part, the endgame in those contents being level 50. (altho tecnicly you can go in some raids on non max lvl so lvl 49 exp cap might still work, except you cannot equip anything that drops hehe as they need “max” lvl.

Still I cant wrap around my head one thing. WoW classic basicly free, cuz we didnt buy it, and we just pay the subscirption but that also gives us retail. So if its free and optional in all manner, why would they fear to axe it with a post lvl 50 chromie time?

Well the only explanation is that they want to actually sell TBC classic and not just give it out free like erm wow classic i guess. And if people actually buy it then they defo gonna buy wrath classic too.

So the real question is. Would they keep Chromie post lvl 50 detained until then and only release it if pandaria classic will bomb or they would keep Chromie time forever deleted at 50/50+ just as a F you why didnt you bought pandaria classic? :stuck_out_tongue:

With Chromie time you just level scale 10-50 in all expansions. You dont get the class abilities/mechanics of TBC so Classic servers still have a place - and Chromie Time still uses the Cata zones lower level zones.


I went on ptr again today and I couldn’t even start Chromie Time until I had completed the BFA intro first :confused:

I also have read this:

Yeah ofcourse the economy, a big chunk of social aspect, and classic skills can be a big drag, but for me personally and i am probably not alone, the lore, the boss mechanics, and especially the new priest skills in retail (not to mention graphics) is the big pull, and i would go back to heroic mechanar for the over hundreth of time just to try out how i would fare with these shiny new skills in the same very hard content!

To me timewalking raids were so fun. Chromie time to me feels like that scaled up to EVERYTHING.
Turning the entire game viable instead only the newest exp is such a gigantic plus I can’t imagine classic can compete with that amount of content.
People who already only preping for the rumored TBC might jump to retail Chromie time and get theire itch scratched enough they less likelly if at all pay money for TBC classic if its a pay to play which I would bet on it will.

This is because all chars on PTR are considered “new accounts”.

For actual old players they don’t have to bother with BFA at all supposedly.

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Once I got to where you are able to choose a BFA zone Chromie started to show on my map… was weird. I then went to Warlords… which was bug free.

Garrison xp pots are gone but the bonus objectives were still nice.

If I tried to talk to her before then she told me I was busy with BFA.

Not surprising as PTR is meant to test very few things, not the full entity of systems.

I’m not sure you completely grasp the concept. This is not vanilla/classic levelling as the world is post cataclysm. It is no threat to TBC classic either. That will be the old skool experience.

Chrome time allows you to level from 10-50 in one expansion. A new account or veteran who has not completed BfA will have to do BfA chromie time on their first character. Any alt thereafter will have the freedom to choose.

At level 50 chromie time will end and you will level through Shadowlands to 60.

It is a full retail modern wow experience with all the retail abilities, powered, talents etc.

Blizzard are smart with releases. Some classic players will play Shadowlands on launch. In turn many retail players will play tbc classic when that comes out. So they are unlikely to clash any releases.

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For such a smart bunch, it is surprising how they are pushing BFA as a leveling experience for new players, instead of Legion -> BFA, as the stories are extremely tied together.

It explains what is what going into Shadowlands so it makes sense really. The levelling is fine in bfa.

We seem to have vastly different experiences with how BFA leveling went.

I also had 2 new players joining me in 8.3, and they were extremely confused by the sudden influx of systems like Azerite, Scouting Map, Zone map and so on. While most of those systems were first introduced in WoD, Legion had a lot cleaner design in my opinion.

Joining any expansion including Legion in the last patch is confusing and full of systems.

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