Shadowlands class updates?

Is it just me, or didn’t Paladin get any noticeable class updates since beginning of Alpha?


Especially retribution paladin has not got any major updates since April 2020. They are still the same as they were in Alpha and we all know that there are some issues which have to be fixed. There were only some minor updates but that’s all.

I hope they are working on something because there were a lot of feedbacks from players but no response from devs.


Not only have ret gotten no updates, they have literally dead talents. I’m not saying “dead” talents that will never be picked, because all 3 paladin specs have those. But talents(pvp) that only work with abilities we no longer have.

There are so many core issues with at least prot and ret ( won’t speak for holy as I stopped playing it when it became a melee) that needs to be fixed, yet we haven’t heard a single word in months.

They don’t care how bad the class, talents and covenants are, as long as they get to reiterate on blessing of seasons for the 37th time.


ikr, I would actually not be surprised if we retribution paladins go in with Hammer of Reckoning not working because it will still require blessings to work…

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We can only hope that they read US and EU forum and know about this problem (and other issues).

It would be nice to have any feedback from them so we know what is going on with Paladin.

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Seems to me like we might be expecting a huge update to all 3 specs in the next few weeks… they might be chnaging holy power?

I don’t really understand why. holy and protection are both brokenly op right now and unbelievably fluid

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Idk about how fluid holy and prot are but ret on the ptr seems proc reliant with gaps in the rotation. And i even use Inquisition.
The loss of hp from wake of ashes and the increased cooldown of Blade of Justice are noticeable.

It seems like they made 1 pass only where they unpruned whatever, deactivated some passives and brought them as auras, basically a nerf from live for the paladin itself.

Personally i like wog as an option for healing with HP, works quite well when you’re going on the defensive only and blessing of sacrifice brought back are the only highlights from live.

The talent tree is quite unfinished imo, for example we still have Inquisition and Seraphim as options on different rows, gonna feel bad if we have these as the biggest increases along with Execution Sentence. Did the math and it takes about 27 seconds until i can use Templar’s Verdict.

Basically i’m sure we’ll get this next week some changes, hopefully they address some of these points.

Not even gonna go into the covenant abilities, they’re all annoying to use or don’t work as they look like, except Divine Toll good as AOE, but that feels like a waste on ST, basically Judgment on a minute cd.

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Yea ret has lots of issues I was more replying to the guy that said all 3 specs were getting re works

Yep, i only spoke for ret.
As far as i know prot could use HP on Judgment again to make it more streamlined in gaining the resource.

I wouldn’t worry just yet, we’ve had several class updates lately and I can only imagine they are working on Paladins aswell. I would be surprise if there was no updates for Ret at least.

I’m not holding my breath for Prot though, I would love to get back HP from Judgment but I don’t think it will happen for some weird reason Prot Paladin aint allowed to be a high tier tank while Monk is allowed to be top tier since well forever.

I do got some things I want to see in Prot.

WoG too go of GCD will be a reactive heal more than anything due to us having to build up the free use of it, having it on GCD doesnt make sense.

Nerf Judgment damage makes no sense that it does about same damage as our execute ability. To compensate they could bring up both Sotr damage and the damage Avenger’s Shield does on its primary target.

Blessed Hammer made into a baseline ability. And either rework Holy Avenger or remove the active mitigation cap, because the two don’t mix well.

I wouldnt hate if they brought back Pursuit of Justice as a talent now when we have HP back. Would be quite nice to speed us up abit especielly for M+ but also for raids where movement is important.

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There’s a fairly good chance we will be top dog or at worst on par, even without changes.
On paper we are in good position: mitigation uptime on sotr is bigger, wog is big heal and can be free, ludicrous spam of shields between kirian and leggos, and pretty much every other aoe ability we have is softcapped to 20 compared to the other tanks who have much strict caps.

Yeah, they could have redesigned or nerfed it long time ago and made it so Monks acutally required some skill to play though :D[quote=“Khellitha-turalyon, post:14, topic:176241”]
I am still wondering if paladin has a major pass incoming, considering there are still Ret talents that need updating etc…

There must be more Paladin stuff incoming soonish since there are things that needs addressing, Holy Avenger is really bad right now due to active mitigation cap. Amongst some and Ret needs abit extra so I’m 100% sure we will have some pala updates dunno when though.

Monks are top dog because of their mitigation mechanics, and they’re always be no matter how much blizz buff of nerf things.
The ability to negate oneshot mechanics and spread over time dmg taken is kinda unbeatable as a concept, and makes up for everything else brew lacks, like dmg and big cd’s.

There is no out from this.


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