Shadowlands dead on arrival?

Literally any video game that is not Warhammer is DOA.

Except Cyberpunk 2077 maybe.

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ask literally anyone that takes place or has any udnerstanding of how this is done based on their own experiences taking part, the only time in recent memory they messed it up was the first raid of legion, they didnt expect people to farm quite as much as they did and they undertuned everything and the raid finished in 18 hours, now they tune everything a little bit harder and allow players to go agaisnt difficult content,

but yes i can say that considering the idea is to clear things as quick as possible whilst the raid still being a challenge, that they did absolutely require the BoE gear for the way the raid was tuned,

thats assuming it ever arrives.

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I’m not sure what you are trying to say but I responded to someone stating we were dead on arrival. We are not. We are ‘The Maw Walker’, we are not dead.

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I suppose so.
But I was more replying to the part about it making us special.

I guess I see it as although not dying to get there is strange, most people that get there, even if alive still follow the rules.
Our characters don’t which is the special part.

History is definitely not on their side. At this stage its mostly polish, the systems are pretty much set for the expansion or at least until the first major patch.

I just don’t care about more bs rented power systems, preferring the simpler but far more absorbing game of times past.


yeah but considering that they have actively said on stream that they are more than okay with pushing the big red button and allowing us to swap should it not work, and it clearly is not working that means that the last resort should be to just let us swap the abilities

i dont think anyone is wanting to actively swap between the covenants, just change to a different ability, because i dont want to get stuck with kyrian , i would rather just be necrolord or venthyr, because i prefer their themes

I’m aware of what happened during the world first race and the preparation the guilds did. As well as the gold loaned by big AH players in return for boosts and other services.

They bought some corrupted items for dozens of million gold each. Even with how difficult it was to get the right corruption, both the raw ilvl increase and the corrupted gear they would’ve gotten from class stacking could’ve made the difference.

These raids were balanced around BIS gear, sure. Or at least close to, Nzoth himself dropping the actual BIS items.

It wasn’t balanced around buying BOE corrupted gear to win the WF race asap. Nzoth was cleared with players barely having ~470 ilvl, I doubt they would’ve failed to down the boss with one more reset even without buying those BOE. Did work for ghunn after all.

BOE shouldn’t have been able to proc corruption in the first place, but claiming that the raid was balanced with corrupted BOE in mind is ludicrous imho, no matter how much gold was wasted on this raid (that said, what happens to Method’s debt now that the guild is dissolved ?)

Did they had to buy them in order to stay ahead of the competition ? Sure, these guilds will grab every opportunity they can find to get an edge over the other teams.

But balancing the raid around BOEs, as if some maniac at Blizzard planned for guilds indebting themselves beyond reason to clear their AH of any useful BOE and balanced the raid accordingly ? If they were capable of such thing BFA wouldn’t have been such mess.

“my character sucks, but at least It’s different”

just because your character sucks doesn’t mean everyone elses does

That is not what I meant. My point is pushing more individuality in player power for the sake of difference is a stupid idea.

I don’t think the aim is that any of the Covenant powers ultimately suck. If Blizzard gets the balance somewhat right, they should ideally provide different flavors of power. And then you pick whatever flavor you want.

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i meant it as a joke

Well, I’ve already said that in my case I have to pick between either the ability I like which comes with the covenant I hate or the ability I hate with the covenant I like. Obviously that is not the aim but it’s obviously going to happen. It’s one of the flaws of this system.

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the system only has one to pick if you prefer one type of end game over another.
If you don’t then its up in the air.

We’re still dead, no? We just get out of the maw, THAT is what makes us special.

…But everybody inside of the shadowlands is still dead.

we are not dead in shadowlands.
If we were it would be the last expansion lol
we are fully alive there

No it doesn’t? Death means little in WoW.

We are alive, in the Maw, we do not die to go there, we go there as living beings. That’s why everywhere we go they are amazed.

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we’re not dead.
We’re just not.
Thats the lore.
We go there but we dont die to do so.