Shadowlands Developer Update

I mean to each what he she prefers

I hope they kept their hands off of Beastmaster Hunters. :grimacing:

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I do not understand the new resource need for anyone - they are all the same thing with different name in most cases.

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I would like to see more “casual” players feedback.
The game really shouldn’t be catering to the 1%ers.


I’m not talking about mythic raider perspective, I mean someone that is experienced with the game, game design and can understand the flow of proposed game systems. Preach can tell you a lot about them, random streamer can’t.

And it will be the progression systems, class design that will make or break this expansion for many. We and Blizzard has to know if/how it works or not and have the time to fix it, not like with Azerite armor that was on beta days before launch.


Watch the cdew restoshaman video on AfK ghost wolf healing.
And the new one when he is still afk, but mage can’t kill him spamming gpyro

That’s not 1% elitists plotting against you, but rather people want their actions to matter, not passive traits, corruptions, essences

P.S. found the old one

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Everyone sees streamers in the Alpha because most others won’t be streaming.
We can’t say that it is only streamers that get in early, because most others won’t be highly visible.

Well if I get in and we don’t have to Sign an NDA and we are allowed to stream. Ill stream what I can so people can see what’s new. I personally have no issues with streamers getting into Alpha because they do actually stream the content, and stream a lot of it. So I personally do not mind, I personally would love to have the chance to stream Shadowlands to the masses:). I plan to test on several different machines I have at the house so Blizzard can obtain as much information about different hardware as possible. Anyway hope everyone is staying safe, and prayers out to any families that are dealing with Covid directly.

Never, NEVER assume. Especially anything contained in a company’s product announcements.


And here’s the new one


He just keeps on delivering :smirk:

deaded from loling

Thank you for being so transparent with what your plans and goals are with this :slight_smile:

cant wait for BFA 2.0, not going to waste my time tbh with this one.

Rated pvp only, just scrap normal bgs then.

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Congratulations team for continuing work on this in these circumstances. May I please just draw your (and everyone’s) attention back to the issue of releasing us from having to grind historical Pathfinder requirements. Draenor and Legion, and upon Shadowlands release, also BFA. Thank you.

Even though bringing back pvp vendors is a step to the right direction, it’s the fact that is only for rated pvp and not for casual play. As I have suspected, Shadowlands seems to be moving in the same direction like BfA, content and progression systems only for 20% of the players, showing the middle finger to the rest. Not excited.

“Ah, I’ve been expecting you.” :wink:

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Hi. I dont know if this is the proper thread to bring this up, but since several class changes that will be made in Shadowlands were revealed, i noticed that frost DKs will be able to choose between 2 handed and dual 1 handed weapons once more. Same with monks specs. What about survival hunters? Are we going to remain stuck in using 2 handed weapons only? I think it is kinda unfair to give such flexibility to other classes, when it was taken away in the first place, while hunters, just get some old skills back. To be honest I couldnt care less about something like Eyes of the Beast coming back. But i look back and i remember my hunter being able to dual wield back before cata, when he was stripped off melee weapon, and i liked that feeling of being able to “tune” my gameplay and balance speed-damage and viability of my gameplay. Now, I have invested a lot in survival since legion, and in my opinion, no matter how much buff it gets on certain skills, no matter what old skills you bring back, the feeling is not going to be the same without the option to choose my weapons,both in terms of gameplay and roleplay as well. Thanks in advance

tbh we all know 2handed DKs and 2handed WW Monks will sit at almost the bottom of the DPS totem pole like they did prior :stuck_out_tongue: and blizzard likely knows this aswell…

same as with Survival hunter even if u got dual wield, likelyhood is it’ll be bottom of the barrel in DPS… and u’ll likely be rejected for trying to use it :stuck_out_tongue: the same as before.

they never bothered balancing these alternatives before, i find it highly unlikely they will now.

it required stupidly higher ilevel like +20 to make them viable options on what u had previously equipted… with no WF/TF. its simply not possible unless ur being boosted. because if ur gear was that low level to begin with to make this possible… u wouldnt of been accepted into the content to begin with.