Shadowlands Developer Update

Man, can’t wait to try the comeback of those old-schools spells.
Even more happy since Deadly Shot is coming back as a finisher for Hunters.
Torghast is the real true test for this expansion and it may mark the success or failure of Shadowlands.
Overall, I need to see how Covenant’s storyline impacts us as which one to choose and how their abilities will impact the gameplay at end-game.

Brace yourselves, we are leaving Azeroth.

PvP Vendor is coming back.

Okay, now I’m seriously considering to pre-order. You hear that Bobby?

I hope it looks something like this:

Battlegrounds -> Honor -> Rare PvP Gear -> Honor -> Epic PvP Gear
Arena -> Conquest -> Epic PvP Gear -> Superb Epic PvP Gear

I hope to hear that both honor and conquest will be rewarded from first daily and/or consecutive wins and other PvP activities to supplement PvP progression.

And for gods sake, please just remove Ashran, I’ll take Strand of the Ancients over Ashran any day. Make it stop!

Your hair is a crime


First off, PvP Vendors?! I THANK THEE.

Second, I hope to all that is unholy that Frost DKs have the option to use a 2H once again. To be honest, this might be one of my top hopes for this expansion.


does this mean i get Alpha inv?
Just like an NPC will do


He’s back!

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:sob: :sob: :sob:

Super hyped. Please for the love of god allow max level boosts this time after the levelling/zone testing is done.

Last time i was lucky enough to get into beta i had to level 10 levels to max before i could start testing end game.

I know allot of others who got into the beta just gave up after 2 or 3 levels so end game was not tested as much as it could have been. I feel allot of BFA’s issues would have been pointed out way sooner with pre made max level toons available.

Lets be realistic here most people playing don’t just level 10 levels over and over, they spend most the time at level cap (and trying to hit it fast), so allow people to create toons at level cap so they can test the content most will be doing a few days after launch. This is the important stuff, the levelling experience can be rubbish as long as end game is good.

Its so rare you hear people talk about any games levelling experience the focus is almost always on end game features and balance. Mostly test those, listen to the feedback on those. If something needs to be cut/changed and its a choice between a levelling pre level cap thing or something to do at cap… cut the pre level system.

Allow people to test m+ early (generate keys and affix’s like the MDI realms), the raids, the tower content, max level pvp, end game open world content etc etc… This is far more important than quest levelling and some crappy quest chain that might get you some transmog item/mount you will get and forget.


None of them should. If you’re not an active developer you have no business on development of the game unless you just want to farm views on youtube or be one of the thousands of duplicate threads on forums.

Yeah beecouse thats really important content rofl.

Will there be any non streamer in that list ? Hopefully Blizzard stops making stupid people even more famous, like those two hosts they had on one of their cons. I had never heard of them and I could have done without learning them existing.

Get proper testers, thank you.

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I see a lot of potential on the objective tracking.
I myself have used a lot of addons to keep track of various locations, and to make navigation to them easier with waypoints and an arrow.

As for the un-pruning, yes it can go too far.
You don’t need the full toolkit all the time.

Having the perfect answer to every situation is not adding depth to gameplay.
Actually making a choice in what your tools are, and having a compromise where there isn’t some perfect answer is way more depth.
Gameplay is stale when any single problem always has the same single button answer to it.

Number of buttons does not equal better gameplay.

Specs should be reasonably distinct and have different tools.

To be fair the alpha isn’t usually the part they want to show. Feedback is good but isn’t the alpha usually about solving the game breaking bugs and then go on with the iteration in the beta ?

That said it will surely be entertaining to see streamers repeatedly fall through textures or objects and have to delete their characters because they are stuck under terrain or some other mildly infuriating bug.

I shouldn’t complain though, i have always been on the list ever since 2004, but point remains that I find it is ridiculous to invite some ‘trolls’ with followers instead people, who actually give solid feedback. I hope they get passionate testers, who want to break the game into tiny ribbons instead those, who just want clicks and name.

The streamers are best recruited during stress tests, then them and their clown army of followers can give useful data :wink:

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How about you let other people enjoy what they want…? People like you shouldn’t be allowed in these kind of discussions.

now to hope the class /spec redisign they will do wont make it even worse then BFA.

alot of bfa issues couldve been helped if they had actully put the stuff in beta at all aswell

it sounds good and all,but alot of BFA sounded good aswell.
We have to wait to judge till we can see how they executed it,and if they actully listen to alpha/beta feedback at all.

I would rather watch Tali and hear his feedback on playing alpha than some clown multritrashers enjoy themselves in alpha.

Actually he is making a solid progress on jokes quality, I like him more now.

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I would like to see more “professional” players feedback, not necessarily usual streamers. Preach, and it would be cool if there was some commentary like casters did during world first race - where 2 or more casters talked about a topic from the game (with good knowledge).

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