Shadowlands Developer Update

care to be specific when its “high”?

Please remove the AoE cap from Blade Flurry aswell. Fix the bugs on the ability, along with Roll the Bones and Blade Rush. Outlaws are getting behind, feels clunky to play (for many) and the amount of bugs it has is enormous. Everyone is getting those restrictions deleted, please do not leave US, Outlaws out of this fun, even though our group is small, we’d still be happy to receive some attention and love.

yes please

i think i’ve read somewhere 80

Does anyone know if you can still skip the campaign if you already started it? I have a few level 60 toons that still need to do the covenant campaign. One even has 4/9 campaign and I can not be bothered completing it. I need the soulbinds but still i can not be botherd doing the campaign. does the covenant campaign skip also apply on already started level 60 toons? I am asking this because i am currently levelling some toons and I dont want to take the risk that when they hit 60 or get 2/9, that they are not eligible anymore to skip and receive all renown, compagnion rewards and soulbinds.

I’m all for these changes, especially now I can actually try Necro destro without having to go through the pain of YET ANOTHER Night Fae campaign.

The biggest change by far that I’d like to see if the removal of the ludicrous DR system on relics in Korthia. I’m T6 on one char and T5 on two others, but even after reaching the Holy Grail of T6 I’m still having to grind to get back the relics I wasted on the conduit lottery.

Remove this stupid DR on mobs/chests etc. If we want to farm 1000 purple mobs a day in order to upgrade conduits or buy gem slots then let us! Not as if this game has never had 1 rep per mob grinds in place before now is it?

I still have to spend about an hour a day on my main in the hope of getting at least 1k relics, this is also dependant on idiots using cds on TP and rift rares which means, despite toy and gunshoes, not getting there in time.

So something else on the wishlist: put a ‘cant hit’ timer on the TP and rift rares at least. Some of these drop purple relic tokens varying from 100-300 which is a huge difference when farming.

Not with elitist jerks in the front row who think they know better.

When reaching exalted with Archivist’s Codex and Rank 5 or Rank 6 with the Korthia Upgrade, it will reduce the cost of Cataloged Researched or increase the amount of Cataloged Research to alts.
For instance if you have bought the item to unlock Rank 5 and 6 for the Korthia Gear, it will reduce the cost of your alts to upgrade it so you don’t need to grind for alts that much.
I think this will also help the alts a bit and much more fun to play with.

This should include upgrade with valor points to Mythic gear for alts.
I trying to say it’s less grindy if you already have done it.

I have some issues to run the Garrison Invaders of the highest difficulty in the old WOD expansion. Is there something you can also tune?

i will only agree with you if they add MOP and WOD cosmetics back
otherwise it’s big no cause no one will have my bear and my FLAIL

Switch Covenant but we must up fom zero ? Wtf ???

why would it not be possible for everything to be 80 directly if it is done in a covenant ??

Geee I don’t know, maybe to keep you logged in and grind…?
Like with everything else?

Where is PvP gear fixes - everyone wants 1 honor - 1 conquest gear sets. No gear for rating, no gear upgrade.

I´m still waiting to return.
Youre not telling me what i want to hear.

Make timewalking relevant end game content:

  • Make the timewalking gear fully upgradeable with timewarped badge, but cap it so you cant get a full set out of it, just 1 2 nostalgic pieces per season.
  • Add more raids/M+ to timewalking from other expansions

Kaivax, we really appreciate the changes the team is making. I heard the renown threshold has to be 80 in order to enable alts to switch. That seems really high, how about 60? I’m not invested much in the lore aspect and would rather not be forced to gain so much Renown before I can switch to an alt.

Also, instead of being available for just Timewalking, can the Legion M+ dungeons be always available? I never understood why old content had to be timegated so much. It will give us all so much more to do in these times of long content draughts.

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Does anyone know if you can still skip the campaign if you already started it? I have a few level 60 toons that still need to do the covenant campaign. One even has 4/9 campaign and I can not be bothered completing it. I need the soulbinds but still i can not be botherd doing the campaign. does the covenant campaign skip also apply on already started level 60 toons? I am asking this because i am currently levelling some toons and I dont want to take the risk that when they hit 60 or get 2/9, that they are not eligible anymore to skip and receive all renown, compagnion rewards and soulbinds.

They would have to first remove difficulty levels.

You wrote a great reply, mister.

To Torghast levelnig should be +2 changes made,

  • Increase xp from mob kills
  • It could increase to a mode of endless twisting corridors mode, where you just gain floors and go further and further, and get more and more powers, and it would only end if you reach level 60. Imagine the crazyness, would be fun, and this is exactly I think what we want.
  • Also at the end of each floor bosses could drop one minor gear, which would compensate for the gear which you are gaining when questing, so basically when you reach 60 in Torghast leveling you would have like normal dungeon ivl gear at 60.
  • Also some of the old items which you got already and got changed, you could disenchant for mats to sell on AH or just to level you enchanting.

So basically this Torghast would not end until you reach 60. :smiley:

PS.: Did I leave something out ?


Give us something new, thanks! 9.15 is nothing!