Shadowlands Developer Update

Really, that’s what you think? 95%+ of Warlock players really wanted to lock in Night Fae?


while you are at it how about fixing the torgahst powers the druid convoke the spirit is bugged as it does not take into account the new 1 min cooldown of convoke the spirit, when you get a 20sec power up it takes just 10 secs off the cooldown

How does this, make sense with this

So it could have been done from the beginning, as… it requires you to have the renown treshold. And the campaign of the covenant ended before max renown lvl (40 that was s1)

Do the devs even play the game or…?

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They should already start with 9.1.5, legion timewalking, is the perfect opportunity to bring back magetower, there is tons of people wanting it back. Sure, the oldtimers can keep their FoS achievment, but the basemodels should be added like the Prot pally/warr Flails and Guardian druid form.

As I’ve mentioned times before, naxx T3 got removed and added back in the game, even with a recolored version in wotlk. Core hound MC limited time event, can be bought from BMAH, same with Zulian tiger, mighty caravan brutosaurus, arcanite reaper. List goes on.

People who earned those when it was current didn’t complain, so why shouldn’t magetower, challenge mod etc be brought back into the game as well? Make it a challenge for us. Like Diablo 3 has in their weekly, one char with a gear set that the game has randomized for them to do the challenge. Do the same with MT and CM? Don’t overgear the chars, but not undertune it either, but make it doable if you got the skills for it.
Make it a reason to go back into old content, cuz of now, old content is a wasteland. Everything revolves around Shadowlands and Korthia, there is no reason to go back. (sure farm mounts/mogs from raids.) But what else…? Give us the good stuff, and make new challenges. Cosmetics is indeed important in a mmorpg

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For me it’s too little, too late. And when my subscription runs out, I don’t see myself subbing for a long, long time.

There are some fundamental things wrong with Blizzard today. Abusive work relationships, not listening to players and even hating them, hiring activists instead of employees. I think most of their problems would be fixed if they move to another state and leave california. But hell, even another country would be better.

The last drop in the bucket for me was the Overwatch McCree announcement a few days ago. Communist lingo like ‘equity’ in your company announcement shows me Blizzard employees has lost all their credibility.


One thing I’m curious about, when switching to a new covenant, will renown level stay the same with the new one?
I understand we’ll be able to get the cosmetics, skip the story if it was done on another character, but If I am Night fae max renown, switch to Kyrian, what would the renown level for the Kyrian be?

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All devs responsible for the state of game systems in the last 5 years (RNG, an endless farm of azerite in BFA, SL covenant switch block, etc.) should be looking for a job elsewhere. The ego of those guys, who in a short period of 5 years destroyed fun in wow is just amazing. Someone needs to contact them with reality.

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Hey Blizzard…

How about you stop making these intentionally pre-fudged systems you do mental gymnastics to try to sell to us during Q&As, only ending up being forced to un-fudge it after half the playerbase is gone?

How about in 10.0 when you inevitably will end up conjuring some yet another system with 500 limitations that you need to convince yourselves them making sense, you take a step back and think what will happen in 3 months after launch when people start crashing into this artificial wall of “NOPE” you built.


Oh, here bonus for you…

Maybe instead of continuing with your arrogant mental gymnastics EVEN NOW, you just step back simply write “we fudged up and these limitations were a bad idea from the get go” and take it to heart in 10.0.


Well maybe this expansion has taught you to listen to player feedback. Most of us play or have played the game more than you ever will.

Too bad you had to loose most of your player base to FFXIV to realize that.

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I think a lot of us are wondering why you guys didn’t


don’t be too happy. they didn’t give a damn about the whole community asking for this since the xpac start.
and suddenly, there you go, you can have it. why do you think they changed their mind?
99% is because the game is hemorraging players and devs after all the sh** that hit the fan at blizz, and they have no real content available for us in the near future, so they’re banking on keeping subs just by opening the grind for other covenants without making us lose weeks.

it’s bad.


Remove daily quests, reduce the meaning of weekly rewards/quests/activities.

Add itemization in line with freedom of play. I.E Torghast rewards(Torghast should be playable through the LFG queue system).

I like being excited to search for something rewarding such as World Quests with a possiblity to give me GREAT power rewards. If I log an alt I want to have an active excitement in going somewhere, and when I reach the end I want to enjoy the actual game content such as achievement, transmog, pvp.

I want to feel free in playing an alt and feeling that I can always reach the f**king summit of power, it’s not a correct alignment with the MAJORITY playerbase that the game should revolve around elitism and exclusivity.

If you want to change course, Blizzard. You have to change your fundamentals.

You have decided that there should be a divide among players. I don’t do m+ because I don’t want to have a horrible time getting into the elitism of m+. I don’t do raiding because there’s no place for me to learn as I play.

I want everything in the queue system and I want the premade group finder to still exist.

I want added systems that help me play the game in a more free way. I want to find friends through pugs and I want to play with those friends through premade.

You are so afraid of doing these drastic changes because you think you are holding a golden nugget and have to never change course, so you make mediocre decisions throughout and try to squeeze as much money out on the way as possible.

The problem is more and more people are and will recognize your corporate greed on a conscious level and decide to leave the game because you force us to play in a certain way(Korthia, weekly timegating.)

You have to believe in that everything this game has been and has become is timeless. There’s no time for me to play any alts now and if you believed in the quality of the base game then you’d understand that there’s so much time to spend on playing alts.

Now I just think that I’m 10-20% weaker on every alt I’d want play in this expansion.
I’m not going to do Korthia for another 3 months every day on another character.

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First off, thank you for finally implementing these changes.

Second, the best feedback I can give is: Listen to this sort of feedback the first time around so that we don’t need to wait for systems like this to get fixed. That will make future patches and 10.0 much more enjoyable and more players will keep playing your game and paying your sub.

Here’s some things I’d personally like to see in the game:

  • Make the conduit collection account-wide. If I’ve unlocked a specific conduit on my account, I’d like to have it on alts as well.
  • In the same vein, Tower Knowledge and upgrades should be account wide as well.
  • Make upgraded honor gear more quickly obtainable on alts: reduce cost and renown needed to upgrade. Really, honor (unranked) gear upgrades are redundant at this point and the pieces should just be sold at rank 7 for a cheaper and easier entry into PvP. If I want to PvP on a char, I want to be able to do so as soon as possible. I know people that are deterred from getting alts into the content they like because of the grind they’d have to do to get them PvP-ready.
  • In other words, the more alt friendly you can make the game, the better. Some grinds are alright to do -once- and then they should be unlocked throughout your account. (Archivist’s Codex, Ve’nari, Death’s Advance exalted, Tower Knowledge, and similar)
  • After making Legion M+ available, you could implement M+ in older dungeons as well, and keep it rolling with one set of legacy dungeons each week. Going from TBC > WoTLK > Cata > MoP > WoD > Legion > BfA and then repeating. And make a raid available as well as with current timewalking. That way, both M+ and Raid players will have some interesting legacy content to go back to each week. With the Shadowlands ones being constantly available throughout. When 10.0 or 10.1 releases, make Shadowlands available in the rotation.

I think you are right to do something „now“ after such a long wait. It currently feels like being trapped in the waiting room forever. Not knowing what is to come…
It has been chasing a philosophy based on short-term success. Usually, however, it doesn’t work for long, as the base dwindles. A tip, a philosophy must be well thought out, timeless and „acceptable“ to all. The one that has been driven so far, has addressed a certain circle of players, boostings, casual, monetary services etc etc.
The story is now diffuse, not only in the way of rehashing old historical impulses from the story in Shadowlands, rather it is the misleading features implemented with Shadowlands, which outshines the story in its entirety in a negative way.

  1. I echo the criticism of the previous posts, we were ignored.
  2. there is no reason to preview these changes on a PTR. You know very well that this again represents time gain only for you. But there is no time to „test“ things, especially things you where knowing they will be come sooner or later.
  3. there are many other issues you could have addressed, these changes are rudimentary. While important, these changes should have gone live right after release. Therefore, the reasons for these changes are not understandable. Originally, these were supposed to be Core Functions.

Its really sad, observing, yes truly observing how WoW is loosing its spirit of story and fun2play.

Can you finally change hunter’s stance with ranged weapons so people other than the hunter can see it?

I wonder if you guys realise the amount of players that dont raid and have little to do in wow to sustain playability. ive played wow since 2004 and have had this issue since the TBC, you seem totally focased on the ultimate players the hard core raiders and PvP’ers, I play wow for fun as aget away from RL but i find less and less content for players like myself. just sayin is all



Hi! I think this is a welcome change but I don’t think it will happpens but we can dream about it! :slight_smile:

This is regarding for both community and character progression.
Remove character boost (both Retail and Classic) and also WoW Tokens.
So maybe economy get more intresteing and also feel good when levling a new character instead for “I bought a boost to level 60”

Make heirlooms in retail more interesting.
The current state of Heirlooms you have to rest your character to get the bonus to works properly, this is an idea of top of my head.
(2) 50-100% more XP on enemies and quests. (Or maybe something else)
(3) At level 10 you should able to mounted combat (just like when you back in WoD, Garrison)
(5) Your movement speed incresead by 40% (maybe not as Flying but ground mount and also without the mount)
(6) Your damaged and healing is increased by 150% (or maybe more so you can have some fun when levling a new character. And also maybe do dungeon for yourself)

Only works between the levels 1-59 or maybe less.

So all your gold you spent for the heirlooms feels more like “Yes!” then “Oh well it is what it is”

i can not find any interesting for pugplayers in the 9.1.5 first look. why do you exclude pugplayers from the endgame? we can not do mythic raids, due the crossrealm lfr restriction and we can not do rated pvp, because no soloqueue.

Untarget Cap Rogue Outlaw maybe ?? Or this is the end of this spec RIP :’(