That is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
I like the restrictions that exist in most cases.
I’d like to see more cosmetic sets though. Race + class combo sets would be nice.
B-but that would cost us a raid tier!
I would gladly sacrifice it.
I would sacrifice a raid tier for things Blizzard haven’t even considered yet. Thats why that comment was extremely stupid back then xD
We are getting closer!
Hey Blizzard, tomorrow’s my birthday. Wanna do me a favour and hook me up with that sweet sweet alpha invite?
i know i’m not a close friend or family shut up ;-;
Dick move to encrypt it, tho
Happy birthday.
The Expansion Pendulum Theory …
So weird, this is usually around the time I get an invite from my uncle. But nothing.
Come to think of it, he hasn’t answered my messages in a few days …
He. Isn’t. Real.
You need help, buddy.
But I have so many pictures with him. So many memories …
I bet its Photoshopped images of Ricky Martin.
Warlords of Draenor takes one look at you, then down at it’s selfie-camera in shame.
My eyes flash a powerful shade of red.
Pink eye is no laughing matter.
I think we finally broke him! He just can’t handle the Argent Dawn forums, server and its denizens anymore
Preemptively adding a spoiler tag to this post for when the data mining starts to come through.
I know myself well enough to know I’ll read everything recklessly and then grumble until I forget a third of it while waiting to see the events I read about in fancy cinematic form.
But now they’re not doing those anymore. Only these ingame rendered floppy jaw things so maybe it’s not so exciting anymore.