Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Kael’thas needs a new model.

lor’themar dying against the scourge in prepatch

save this post because I’m never wrong and I’m not accepting evidence to the contrary


Nah mate, he got a model update not too long ago. He’s immune.

Liadrin, Halduron and Rommath on the other hand… :skull_and_crossbones:


who? (in ten characters)


Halduron. You know, discount Legolas?

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He’s dying so he can show up and meet Kael in shadowlands.

Spin the roulette wheel on who will be the next Horde Warchief and if they will outlive the Shadowlands expac or not, and who will be the next to turn evil.

I still maintain that, by the Warchief pendulum theory, the next will be Warchief Baine electing Kel’thuzad to be his successor. The Horde, naturally, will be most excited over having such a patriotic new Warchief to carry the Horde banner into war against the Alliance. What could possibly go wrong?


Electing KT for Horde Warchief is but the next logical step.

Following said theory also means that we won’t see Baine at all in Shadowlands except for a brief introduction quest where he wishes Horde adventurers good luck.

In case anyone questions Kel’thuzad, remember, he shouted FOR THE HORDE really loudly in the trailer. There’s no surer mark of a true Warchief.


I found Sylvanas screaming that to be so cringe and fake. Not for a moment did I believe it.


gonna create a character called Forthehorde so they have to make me warchief.

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Yeah, honestly, I can’t remember the last time I cringed at a trailer like I did that time. I am not sure who faked that harder, Sylvanas or Blizzard themselves. And the Horde just swallowing it up like complete idiots, it’s no wonder they can’t even assign roles in an arcwine vintner team without getting everything comically wrong.

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Anyone who had even paid the minimum attention to her character arc would have known… She was never in it for the Horde (Which btw is an okay trait to have.) and have the one who would never have put her unlife(?) on the line for it screaming “For the Horde” was so… Wrong.

People just glossed over it because hype.

Both… But Sylvanas got the best of them since she could retcon her intentions and fool us readers.

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Sylv has been on the receiving end of the biggest character assassination this setting has seen tbh.


Yeah, only I was cool enough to realize how WRONG.IT.ALL.WAS.


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She should have died on that Saronite yo.