Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Threaten to take Acherus off me will you Bolvar? SEE WHAT YOU GET.


She took Acherus…

The only Deathlord I will follow :heart_eyes:

I never really liked Bolvar as the Lich King. But at least he wasn’t as crap-

Wait a minute.

ARINDHA! Is all this crap a Vision of N’zoth scenario?!?


This is what happens. Soon.

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In one sense I feel sorry for Ebon RPers due to the bad writing but on the other hand maybe some cool RP can come from this.

I am not optimistic.


Brace yourself.
Lich Queen Sylvanas incoming.

Hail Lich-Queen Sylvanas Windrunner, Deathlord of Acherus, Banshee-Queen of the Forsaken and Warchief of the Loyalist. Destroyer of N’zoth, Savior of Azeroth, Burner of Teldrassil and Avatar of Death!


They didn’t even give Bolvar a unique sword, it’s just the Calamity’s Edge from Archimonde in HFC.


We’re at GoT season 8 levels of writing now. It’s only gonna get worse from here lads.

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Relax, they might still give him a reskinned Blade of the Fallen Prince or something! D:

The Patch ain’t out yet! D:

But… The Wrath of the Bolvar expansion!

Bolvar’s wrath is him dying in a ditch somewhere on the road in Northrend…

Cower before it!

Also I wonder what Bolvar will do now? I mean, Alliance would, probably be his main faction to go to… And since everyone is welcome now a days I can see the new generation of DK’s being an Alliance-only class :stuck_out_tongue:

Also: 4 Horsemen boss fight confirmed when we raid Sylvanas eventually! :stuck_out_tongue:

The Whimper of Bolvar

As far as Ebon Blade RP goes, we will just see a return to Wrath of the Lich King Ebon Blade style, with all the guilds rallying to the Shadow Vault and prepare to show Sylvanas what happened to the last guy who screwed them over.

This is also good for Argent Crusade RPers, dust them off and mobilize for a repeat of the good ol’ days.


All I hear is people crying about our new Queen, but she is my queen. she always has and always will.


I thought I was YOUR queen?!

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You’re CHEATING ON ME! I was YOUR queen! Of your heart!
I will break another window…