This ain’t it people.
Wrath of the Bolvar still on the table.
This ain’t it people.
Wrath of the Bolvar still on the table.
Can’t wait for 9.0 - Wrath of the B*tch Queens, when Azshara and Sylv team up to kick our asses
please dont tell me this is real
nevermind. why
I still don’t think it’s real tho. I mean WoWhead didn’t datamine this, and I’m sure this questline isn’t on the PTR rn. This is probably an edit…
Wrath of the Windrunner: We venture into Northrend to end the tyranny of the new Lich Queen.
First raid: Naxxramas! You will be able to raid it in a 10 man and also 25 man version!
Level to a maximum of level 80 (after level squish)!
Flying combat!
Destructable fortifications!
Rewind YouTube Time! —> back to 2008 in a really weird mash up between WoD and WotLK
in 10 characters
I find your lack of faith in our Queen disturbing, one of the Ebon Commanders will be here shortly to scrap you for abomination parts.
Forgive me, for I meant “SADLY, I think it’s an edit.” I, too, pray for the wrath of the Lich Queen.
My money is on fake until I see footage. You could easily set this up on a sandbox private server judging by those screenshots alone.
Show me footage of the actual questline and I’ll buy it. If it was legit all the usual sites would be all over it by now, surely?
truth is, the bait was rigged from the start
courtesy of the Ebon Onslaught, hope every1 enjoyed.
I had a good laugh out of it!
I’d like to thank Tehya for allowing me to participate in this gr8 b8 as well as get a dunk on Nelox who dissed Vulpera earlier this month. 10/10, would serve the Banshee Empress again.
You guys are awful. I will never ever play with you again!
Grabs back the Sylvanas action fugure. And the posters. And the fanart.
Can’t wait for Sylv to make her own 4H.
Everyone is going to have 4H. Even the 4H will each have their own 4H.
Who will, for comedic effect, all be centaurs.
I read that as 4 hander and was confused on why you would make a 4 handed sword. only just now realised its 4 horsemen.
Same in 10 characters
I can’t believe I actually fell for this
I fell for this like a kid. Gj lol
Not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed that Blizzard haven’t actually given up quite that much yet.