sounds cool I’d instantly become an alliance main
There’s precedent for it w/ that one Eredar in the Dalaran sewers who doesn’t really care about the Legion but instead just helps whoever can cut him a good deal, even to the point of helping you mess up one of those legion space-island-worlds.
just gimme man’ari trying to save their skin from that civil war that’s probably raging in the twisting nether right now uwu
I did quite like him, because it somewhat atleast, moved away from the idea that the Eredar is just a race with two seperate hiveminds. You’re either lawful good or chaotic evil, no free agency.
Until this guy!
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h*ck yeah, he’s great. Shame they left it at just him, I’d be interested in seeing way more like him + playing something like that (though I have literally 0 interest in seeing people play red-skinned Draenei as Lawful Good goodbois but luckily that probably ends up staying in Stormwind anyway)
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I mean we already have every now and then, when the moon is full, people roleplaying as 15 ft tall Man’ari’s who hang around in Cathedral Square because they got pardoned by Anduin or something.
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Also since mortal actions/beliefs are deterministic* from their environment and genetics free will doesn’t actually exist which means the Arbiter sends people to hell for actions they were always going to commit. Eternal torment for temporary actions that weren’t their fault. Sounds like the Arbiter needs to go to the Maw
*also the main timeline always has to flow along a certain, predetermined path
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Tbh I wouldn’t mind Eredar.
If only so I didn’t need to depend on a toy to RP my long-term Eredar antagonist crazy warlock lady.
It would be a hard sell on Alliance though. Especially alongside draenei.
I think they need to have characters activly freak out when they realise that litterally everything in their existence, even time, and all their actions are predetermined by some greater force.
Of course, even their freaking would be a set action always meant to happen.
Also I’m sure this really patches things up for those who have lost family & friend to terrible crimes or events. “Oh don’t worry, they were always meant to die specifically by this person.”
my #1 reason for wanting man’ari tbh is to make a warlock and RP
mothaflipping Xorothian Fel Knights.
Turns out that maybe smashing a system which puts souls into eternal torment might be a morally good action.
Arbiter is the final boss.
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Inb4 the Arbiter knows we’re in a video game and when he becomes a raid boss he just sits there and lets us kill him because he knows that the players will just keep trying over and over until they eventually win.
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There could be some sort of redemption arc perhaps? With Sargeras gone, and the Legion effectivly broken down, and how Velen changed alot of his own perception on things during the Argus Campaign.
Especially since the Legion’s actions seem to have been to try and stop voidy things from happening, it wouldn’t be impossible to have a Man’Ari see that “hey maybe they can fight the void afterall.”
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That said. We’d then have three draenei races on the same faction…
I’m categorically against it.
Please no.
The RP would be pretty awful… Of all the Eredar RPers I’ve seen… Not a single one was decent.
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Smack them all together into “Eredar” race, and allow you to pick one of them.
LFDraenei and Eredar roommates would make a great sitcom.
I mean yeah, this is kinda why I am oposed to my own idea, I’ve yet to see it be anything but cringey.
If cringey was the only thing… We all know it’d end up in the same flavor as Worgen Pack guilds.
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Inbefore the Jailor was actually good all along and simply gathered souls to save them. The whole speech about them being tormented for eternity was lies from the Arbiter trying to stop the Jailor from saving souls, having gotten tired of his job & wanting to see souls get redemption.
if The Good Place is canon then I’m definitely bagsying playing as Chidi
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We got 3 Human Kingdoms playable on 1 faction, 3 Dwarven Clans, 3 or 4 Troll Tribes, and who knows what else more will be added with customisations, but 3 draenei races are where you draw the line?