Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Future expansion idea, you’re welcome Blizzard. Final form Arthas Menethil vs Lightforged Mommy Calia?

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Neither can stand against the might that is Aunty Sylvanas and her waifu Nathanos!

Fixed that for you.

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Maybe it became an anchor because of the Lich King and all the undead stuff? (I don’t have the dialog under the nose right now, I don’t know if he say “It’s an anchor” or “It have always been an anchor”)

Thoughts on this potential leak?


Bolvar looks like a boss. Definetely looks like a Blizzard cinematic so yeah I’ll buy it.

While that does look like it could be legit, why are his eyes blue?

Could symbolize that theres “no more Bolvar, only LK” and that he’s fully transitioned to the role of Master of the Scourge. Or a mistake on Blizzard’s part.

I thought that was already pretty apparent during Legion tbh.

What I meant by that is he is now fully in control of the Scourge as he was only in control the undead in Northrend and not outside of the continent like the Plaguelands for example.

It looks plenty fake to me, the blue eyes, the pieces of Arthas’ armor, the fact that he’s using some kind of hammer instead of a sword (while a Paladin, Bolvar was using a sword in life, so…) it just all seems incredibly out of place. It screams “Chinese fanart”.

Also, any leak without a source is instantly suspect. I think someone might be trolling Nelox again.

Most convincing so far. Top quality effort


That is plausible, yes, but the quality of it really does look like something they’d put into cinematics. That being said the blue eyes firmly makes me suspect it’s fake. The hammer not so much because I doubt they’d want a Frostmourne 2.0. He needs to be unique from Arthas.

You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and spread fake leaks?


Thanks to some people I have lost all faith in any and all screenshots, possible leaks or whatever! D:<

Damn them! I liked to theorize or go crazy on “leaks” !! D:<

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Trust me, this is a good character trait to have.


Yea, seems I learned it the hard way, though xD

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Shame. Wrath of the Bolvar beckons…

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That leak with the ghost city in the desert is the first one I believe purely because the aesthetic vaguely looks to me like they’re low-key trying to rip off the first from ffxiv.

1 Like Remember, if it’s got a logo it’s definitely real.