Taken from MMOChamp:-
“When a soul is sent [to Bastion] it loses it’s form. That form is then reshaped into a Kyrian.
The memories of the old soul are torn out. Family, friends, enemies, trauma. Everything that made them who they are is forgotten.
They become a fully fledged Kyrian, their old mind and body gone forever. The Kyrians basically destroy the souls and identities of mortals in order to reproduce.”
“The Kyrians even admit that they’d do the same to the player if their physical form wasn’t keeping them tethered to who they really are, and the player character just seems to be fine with that?”
Explore the glorious land of Bastion! Meet the noble Kyrian! Have your entire being ripped away and replaced with an empty shell to serve for all eternity!
Wonder if Uther in bastion is going to be pre- or post-Kyrian.
Uther in favour of wiping away peoples identities in order to produce Kyrian.
Was Arthas right all along…?
Doubt it’d be Uther if it was post-Kyrian.
TFW The antagonists in the Bastion zone - the foresworn - don’t even sound that bad now. Lmao.
[You recognise the lingering existence of Uther’s soul due to your memories of him]
I mean, I agree with you, but it also seems like the sort of thing blizz would do “Hang out with Uther! Except he’s actually just a boring Kyrian same as the rest of them now.”
Maybe my shaman is gonna side with the weird faesatyr people instead…
Don’t you say those things.
Blizzard will still somehow spin the Kyrians as being the good guys and the default choice for human paladins who can do no wrong.
Doubt I’d go with the Kyrians. Not a fan of the armor.
It’s Revendreth or Necrolords for me.
I’ve got a soft spot for the bois over in Ardenweald. That zone looks dope and also I’m a lover of the Mr Tumnus aesthetic. God I hope they have pan pipes and abduct me to give me to an evil witch
But their armor is so garbage looking, like holy poopsicle.
I wonder if the 4-5 shadowlands places we end up in are all just…the worst parts and we just never see the nice afterlifes.
Like Ancestor Land for orcs/tauren is probably pretty okay. Cairne and the old orc ghosts generally seem pretty chill. Uuna’s parents seemed happy wherever they were. Hopefully not Bastion.
Catch me with Kael, bullying Drathir and generally being cool vampire dudes.
I have literally zero interest in any of the armour sets tbh. I’m going to end up just transmogging something else from an earlier expansion.
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The plate set isn’t great for the night fae but the other armour sets could be better.
Their back cosmetic stuff we saw is pretty neat. Reminds me of druid mythic blackrock foundry set.
Oh, the sets we were shown is just Plate? So there will be different sets for each armor type? Ooooooh.
Yeah, we’ve only seen plate so far for all four of them. Night Fae plate being kinda ‘meh’ isn’t that surprising since they’re more of a druid/shaman covenant anyway. Fingers crossed the other ones are good.
I’ve just been a huge fan of the Necrolord stuff, and a Little of the Revendreth.
I r hyped.