Can’t wait to see the Shadowlands races appear in Stormwind/Orgrimmar as player characters.
Woah cool, a tsundere Night Fae floating around Cathedral Square slagging people off?! Epic.
Can’t wait to see the Shadowlands races appear in Stormwind/Orgrimmar as player characters.
Woah cool, a tsundere Night Fae floating around Cathedral Square slagging people off?! Epic.
So, I’ve got to put one of each armour type in each covenant to get all the sets?
Adding to this - Seeing some people theorise that they are all bad. Their theory is that Necrolords basically use you as raw meat for their experiments (similar to Scourge/Forsaken), Venthyr use you as a thrall/cattle and night fae stick you into trees forever unable to move or act.
Sylvanas trying to break the cycle (OF HATRED) then becomes kind of a good thing since the afterlife is kind of awful.
Not sure I buy it and even if they did go down that route Blizz probably faceplant the landing but it’s a ‘thing’.
Seems so. They might be Covenant restricted for transmog though, similar to how you get profession/race restricted transmog.
I know they said the Jailor is the main villain of the expansion, but do we end up killing and replacing the Arbiter who is obviously heading up a very corrupt and awful system.
What’s so bad about it? The souls sent to Bastion are naturally drawn to service and quite selfless. Combined with the fact that Kyrians have the highest duty of all in the Shadowlands, Bastion is probably a heaven to these souls.
Afterlife concepts are weird and difficult to wrestle with and comprehend. So Blizzard are in one sense keeping in tune with that.
Heaven is often portrayed in media as being a place where everything is super dope and there are like chocolate fountains and hot ladies everywhere. This is not how it is described more often than not. The problem is that a person expects that when you die you just keep going as you were somewhere new and way cooler.
Translating an afterlife as a playable area in an MMO is still such a frustrating idea that I am struggling to get behind.
Probably, but i got to have them all. The casual completionist in me demands it.
EDIT: its a shame the Fae set on show is plate, my tauren druid would rock that.
I thought the idea is that Bastion is NOT an actual “afterlife” - at least, it’s not the final destination? Like, the point is that the Kyrians protect souls passing through the Shadowlands to whatever comes after? Or did I get that wrong?
It is one of the final destinations - that’s why they’re turning souls into Kyrians.
More like they ferry souls into the Shadowlands.
A race of Charons.
Uther’s in the Maw for going 6ix9ine on Arthas’ Northrend trip
Also apparently among the infinite realms of Shadowlands, some are small and tailored to a single person.
Man, imagine getting your own afterlife.
Goldshire players end up in their own individual afterlives, isolated so as to prevent them socialising with anyone. The ultimate and eternal punishment.
There is a good reason why most works of fiction, especially fantasy/sci-fi stuff, tends to be vauge on afterlife.
Because it’s a concept & idea that is so diffrent for everyone and it is very hard to just give definitive “this is it” that people will universally agree upon.
And when you in your work try to establish rules for it the same way you do with regular world-building you end up like Blizzard is going or like Supernatural, where heaven seems rather horrifying and depressing to me honestly. (An endless corridor/office, with each soul’s personal heaven being where they live out the greatest moment/time era of their life in an endless cycle together with fake versions of their friends & family, since only you can be in your heaven.)
The afterlife in WoW just sounds horrid, even the ‘cool’, ‘angelic’ one is basically being melted down and made into a new being that ‘lives’ to work.
These afterlives are just the 4 big ones that keep the Shadowlands running. There are infinite other realms that are just for chilling.
why this again
The reward for duty, is an eternity of service!
How do people feel about playing characters that have died before?
I mean I can’t be the only one thinking there will be a certain resurgence in excitement at least. Though I expect it to be pretty hard to do anything with it unless there’s some widdly wobbly souly woely way of coming back from Shadowlands if you died before the expac events kick off.
Have your previously dead RP characters be recruited by the heroes as followers, forever doomed to sit and do missions in whatever the new follower mission table will be called in Shadowlands.