This day extracts a heavy toll
Night fae storyline is actually a grim look at the gamer lifestyle.
So we have confirmation that the maw broke in Legion, not Wrath as some were suspecting. So your dead RP characters are probably fine unless they died in Legion or BfA!
So only like 2 years of not receiving souls breaks the shadowlands? Weak.
Best way to write ‘‘Elf’’.
RIP my Night Elf who died in Legion.
throws uber deluxe soulstone
Do you think bwonsamdi knows that he doesn’t have Rastakhan’s soul? You’d think he’d mention that. Especially after he lost Vol’jin.
Bwonsamdi pretending everything’s okay on the outside, but goes home to his temple every night to cry because despite making a really cool deal with Rastakhan and the royal family, his soul didn’t end up in his domain after all.
Also if the Ebon Blade had managed to try and raise Tirion Fordring, would it have worked if he is now trapped in the maw?
I would guess so, since Delaryn+Sira+etc. all got raised.
Does Sylvanas’ pact with the Jailor allow her then to pull souls out of the maw to raise into undeath? In which case, fine and cool.
Ebon Blade though? They don’t have that same pact, but have they been resurrecting recently dead people?
They might explain it with Bolvar raising new allied race death knights, but I doubt.
Nobody has ever escaped the maw.
Is there like a five second rule for dead people. Like if you raise them within X amount of time it’s fine, they didn’t get to the maw yet.
Could it be that only the ones that have been killed by Sylvanas ends up there? I mean, she has had a big hand in all recent Deaths…
I mean yeah, normally the The Arbiter would throw the baddo’s there, but Sylvanas has a pact with the Jailer boi.
I honestly doubt that Death Knights / Undeads do have souls, I mean Arthas was a Death Knight / Lich King without one.
Maybe they did go to the Maw but DKs, who we know can easily traverse the Shadowlands without issue, just wander in and pull the soul out while giving the Jailer a big middle finger.
We know they do, objectively. Also Arthas did have a soul lol
Blizzard seemed to be saying that all souls, regardless of who killed them, were being funnelled directly into the maw and Sylvanas’ hand in it was to increase that flow.
I am quite certain that in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King it was stated that the Lich King took Arthas’ soul without asking which triggered him.
I’ll see if I can track down the exact quote.
So biggest question for me is what happened after Frostmourne broke? Did all souls go to Shadowlands or back into the undead?
I thought “Nobody escapes the Maw” meant… Well, that no one was processed toward the other parts of the Shadowlands, not that it kept from raising undeads.
In order to make a sapient undead (like Saurfang Jr.) you need to tie the soul improperly to the body with necromantic magic (which is why they’ve got dulled sensations).
So when Frostmourne broke the souls would either go to the Shadowlands or stick around for no real reason (Uther). All the other souls Arthas took would already be attached to undead (like Sylvanas).
No, it apparently meant that literally no one escapes it, which is why the player being a ‘Maw Walker’ is such a big deal.
Could be, but I think they mentioned that no one knows what’s inside because no one has escaped. But if people are being raised into undeath from the maw, then they could give the goods on what’s in there and spoil the raid for us.
They know the strats.
He was a bit shocked, internally, by the fact and questioned himself if he had done so (willingly giving it) if he’d been asked or not, but decided that it didn’t matter anymore.