I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the defeat of Argus that caused death to break, or the stabbing of Azeroth. It would account for “The victory unseen!” quote in Ogmot’s journal.
If it was Argus then that’s lame. Why would killing one nascent titan break the Shadowlands when the rest of the entire pantheon dying didn’t?
I strongly suspect it is related to Helya.
Blizzard confirmed we will find out regarding these two situations.
What was the deal struck between Sylvanas and Helya. It may be something we didn’t expect (Doubt it).
We will also learn why the Jailer were interested in Odyn’s eye. Apparently the shadow creature that Odyn gave his eye to was a lieutenant of the Jailer.
To sound like Pyromancer, Argus is referred to as the Death Titan, even in the game files. His abilities to seem to refer to death, more specifically his abilities are focused around reorigination, a method that Titans do seem to use via machinery but have never displayed to be able to do themselves.
Never a good sign tbh.
The whole death titan thing seems to, from Afrasiabi*, be related to the world dying - in which case why wouldn’t the titan worldsoul that Sargeras cleaved in half also be a ‘death titan’? Why didn’t that break the Maw?
I mean I know the answer - it’s 'cos this is all just flying by the seat of their oversized clown pants, but they could at least try to backfill convincingly.
*“When we say Battle for Azeroth a lot of people think about all the territories and all that we take for ourselves and you know, that’s being selfish. Because reality is, look, Azeroth is a titan. A titan that is potentially dying. We need to save this world. Because you know what, a death titan, that’s Outland, a shattered world, that’s Argus. So we’ll fight on two fronts, the surface, you know, and also, the heart of the world.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if Helya is ultimatly a red herring, and the deal was litterally just what was alluded in Stormheim. If she caught Eyir for Helya, she would gain more evil Val’kyrs and Helya would have another hold over Odyn.
I consider it the best guess, but if they intend to explore it then I will wait it out.
Probably so he could see into the Mortal Realm or something? I’m willing to bet 5 euro’s on it! D:<
hey guys what if the void was scared of death because it couldn’t get into the shadowlands and now that sylvanas has broken the veil between realities its going to infiltrate it like it did the emerald dream to corrupt it from within so that it breaks the cosmos even more
I hope your showers are warmer than your takes, because I don’t want you to freeze.
Full appearance of the Jailer leaked. See timestamp.
Pretty disappointing and generic look if you ask me.
Agreed, looks kinda like Aman’thul or Sargeras, aka a titan, than a being of Death who’d be edgy, dark…
“Then again, conspiracy theorist Pyro over here. What do I know.”
Based on his track record, not much to be quite honest.
Remember this
I remember
That would have been better than getting yet another generic space santa design.
It shoulda been Arthas.
Arthas dying and going to ultra prison hell but being so HNNNNNNNNNNNNNG that he kicks out the previous Jailor and takes over would be pretty metal.
I would also have expected Malthael.
Just Malthael in WoW. He’s here now. That’s it.
The best thing would be if there was no Jailor, and that they left the shadowlands/afterlife vauge and unexplained, much like the mysteries of death in real life.