Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Well; its new information it started so long ago! D:<

I always assumed it was something more recently like 200 years ago or something D:<

Also I always assumed Druids knew about the stuff that happened in the mortal world, can’t they watch in it from the Dream anyways?

I dunno, “sudden loss of life” of the tauren getting decimated should probably have pinged up as a problem.

The knowing about the plague is one of those retcons that makes the NElves look worse while seemingly trying to make them look better? Like it’s meant to show “They were vigilant watchers, even far away from their own lands” but then “…also even though they suspected/knew the Legion was behind the plague, they just left it alone and did nothing”.

Maybe they should’ve sailed east and had a chat with Terenas about the plague we could’ve avoided the whole thing.


Maybe they are just trying to keep up the pace of weird retcons, to try and make it look like they totally have a plan.

I mean come on, give the Nelves a break :stuck_out_tongue:

But yea, thats Blizzard writing. I suppose The NElves and Horde are in one boat when it comes to writing… And the rest of the Alliance is in another one… But both are sinking :frowning:

God I wish they did.

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Where is this retcon from, and what is the context of it? It seems like such an odd change to make. But then, that has been Blizzard’s M.O. for a good few years now.

It’s in Chronicles. I’m away from books at the moment but it’s just kinda thrown in there.

I dunno maybe the Titans just thought she knew about it and actually Tyrande didn’t know anything after all because it’s all fallible again.

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I haven’t played it in ages so I am not entierly sure im correct, but before the Chronicles recton, wasn’t it so in wc3 when Tyrande, Malfurion and Maiev go to Lordaeron, they are noticing how everything is screwed up, and Malfurion goes into the woods to commune with nature to better understand stuff & help the land a bit?

This is around the time Maiev and Tyrande meet Kael’thas and help them out and Maiev abandoning Tyrande to a river and telling Malfurion she died so she can try and swoop him in while he’s single.

Edit: Maiev was such a scummy character in wc3.

I dunno if you claim this “sudden loss of life” happend over 1,100 years then the tauren were either the most numerous race on the continent or the centaurs took their sweet time hunting them down.

the way I see it, you either wrong about the time frame or the taurens are massive herd of drama queens and this extinction event is way over-saturated.

Not to mention one orcy boy was all it took to save them from this relentless life long enemy whos been hunting them down for over a millennia

“One orcy boy”.

oh so because the genocide didn’t happen immediately and instead over time it’s not a real genocide I see.

So if Sylv had just burned the tree very slowly with all the NElves inside it would’ve totally been okay.

someone should tell the centaur that 'cos they’re still doing it? smh.


Taking 1.100 years to hunt down a race sounds about right; don’t forget that both races were nomadic so they prolly wouldn’t have been fighting 24/7, and can assume there could’ve been decades between great armies slaughtering each other on battlefields…?(sadly Blizzard never goes into detail about these kinds of things but we can assume Taurens were way more numerous back when they weren’t hunted to extinction)

Also one Orcy boi is an understatement because it were all Orcish survivors from EK and the Darkspear Trolls + back in Vanilla up to Cataclysm the Centaurs were still a major problem

Also I’m now home. The chronicles section of NElves+plague is the start of the NElf bit on page 69-70 which basically recaps their history in abridged form.

The last two paragraphs are:

"This vigil did not extend to the Eastern Kingdoms. Tyrande Whisperwind and her people were partially aware of events transpiring across the Great Sea, but rarely intervened. When they did, their activities were always subtle and unseen.

The druids were the first to notice the plague of undeath killing the wilds as it spread across the Eastern Kingdoms. From within the Emerald dream, their spirits reached out to the physical world to stop the blight. Yet they had little success. Some of the druids told Tyrande of what was happening. Though she maintained her isolationism, she sensed a familiar force behind the plague.

She sensed the Legion."

The next section is then about Thrall+Jaina’s landfall and how she was like “eh whatever, refugees from Legionplague? Ignore.” until the Warsong started cutting down trees.

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This really makes Tyrande looks worse and worse.

Ugh I hate Chronicles.

Atleast the Druids tried; now nobody can’t say the Night Elves as a whole did nothing, I suppose🤷🏼‍♂️


I feel like this kinda kinda ruins so much about the night elves story in wc3 in general too. The whole point with their campaign was that they lived in isolation and didnt even know about the races that existed in the lands beyond Kalimdor, or if there even was lands beyond Kalimdor anymore.

no what I mean is, rather than a “sudden loss of life” its more like a slow, drawn out agonizing, painful death

which lends credit to the point that the night elves are bad neighbors for not noticing.

isn’t the whole point of the adventures going into the that one dungeon full of centaurs that they are ending the whole genocide?
besides there aren’t that many of them in mulgore, quilboars and hapries pose a bigger threat.

I mean fair, we can’t even clean out a faction of fanatic humans who barely move from their one fortess church.

I mean, they didn’t exactly arrive in a navy and both factions were small, however understatment or not one orcy boi and his crew worth of a hanful ships, did save an entire tribe.

The point I am trying to make is that as always blizzard forget the details leaving some strange plot holes all over the place.

he began to question her in the book called. before the storm at the meeting.

A total bad@ that’s fairly xenophobic + protects her people at all costs. Also playing up to that elven ego of ‘we can never be wrong’ which leads them to perform fairly foreseeable mistakes due to blunt stubbornness.

Human Potential excluded (counterbalanced with spitting on his son’s face a few years later), Tyrande (when Malfurion isn’t around) is actually one of the better elven portrayals out there. I’m personally sick of characters that do an undeniably good + moral thing all the time.


Anima is basically souls from DS.

Energy generated by living things, that can be claimed upon their death? Check. Hoarded, traded and bartered, seen as currency? Check. Used as a ‘fuel’ for power? Cheeeck.

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Now it makes me think of Chi… :thinking: