Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

While Chi is indeed Spirit, I have a hard time seeing Chi as something you hoard from others and then use as currency.

Because ya ain’t wise enough to see it!

long years of internet shposting have prepared me for this

it is time to roll patches

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Kung-Fu Panda pulled it off fairly well.

Strictly Warcraft related, it wouldn’t be the greatest stretch of my disbelief at all. We have seen many brands of magic/power used and stored in several ways by now.

Dunno it it was posted here

Keeping the thread alive ready for the focus on Shadowlands info that will come after the patch comes out tomorrow.

Hyped to see all of my favourite dead people this year


considering the amount of negative nancies we have i imagine most of the shadowlands talk will go in the pet peeves thread


maybe a public beta full of datamines will sway their opinions (it won’t)

How did the lich king upgrade his crown?

Blizzard’s got themselves alone to blame for that. They turned their most valuable asset (the players) in throwes against them. You could already see this in Legion, but BFA only amplified it.

Either way, it’s been soon 3 months since Blizzcon and still no Alpha/beta of Shadowlands. At the very least they should be showing us bare bones by now, lest it will be no different from happened with Legion and BFA betas that were ridiculously short and then when the massive problems with Azerite armor, legendaries + classes came up, they either ignored it or did a panic fix or omitted that “OK your spec/class won’t be playable until patch x.1.”

And even then they somehow manage to mess it up with Shadow getting their 4th nerf in a row because they just can’t balance out CoI + aoe dot spread. The absolute retards.

I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect that a multimiliion (billion?) company releases a tested and fully fledged game instead of shambles of a game that gradually keep getting content and fixes added that should have been ready from the get go, rather than being patch features. There are also some bugs that for some reason still exist (e.g. Hookpoint loadscreen disconnect, Tol Dagor AOE going through walls and floors), without any fixes.

I want my game to be complete and fleshed out well, but if it takes them several months to respond to feedback or to fix known issues it’s no longer a case of “not enough resources t small indie company”, but gross incompetence.

The people who for example thought that Island expeditions or Warfronts were a good idea whilst spending so much resources on them should have no business in future expansion features (imo).


I try to be very positive about most Expansions(BfA was the sole exception)! And atleast Blizzard is off to a good start with their additional customisation options! I’m curious what more they will bring to the table! :slight_smile:

But I kinda see Atahalni’s point to! Allthough I usually ain’t bothered that much about broken classes since I’ll play it anyways if I like it! (+by the time I found out how Azerite worked Battle for Darkshore already dropped xD)

Why are Warfronts problematic? I’m aware of the initial (justified) complaints regarding how easy it was to gear up, but they’ve since fixed that by adding ilvl limits and making sure non-heroic Warfronts basically just give gear that’s comparable to WQ rewards. Haven’t read anything else other than people thinking they’re a bit boring.

If Warfronts had even a shred of difficulty they might be good content. But don’t add something to the game that requires no level of skill whatsoever on anyone’s part.

As soon as they announced that it would be almost impossible to lose they killed it immediately.

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damn time to remove virtually all forms of content except for heroic raiding and mythics


Some of it was difficulty, part of it was expectations, with it being billed as a hybrid RTS-WoW thing, when the RTS aspect is just…auto-spawning mobs that run down paths. Closer to a MOBA vs. bots than RTS that people were hoping for.

I know that was a disappointment for me. I kinda get why (easier to grief) if there was more manual control, but I was looking forward to doing some commanding and then taking to the field to lead the troops.

Ever play Divinity Dragon Commander? It wasn’t perfect (though I did really like it - super ambitious game) but it did mix RTS with action dragonfight gameplay pretty well, and I was kinda hoping for that except my DK instead of a dragon.


sure, why not

i’m not down for a big piece of content being featured just being something you queue up for, mind numbingly run through and then get a piece of loot at the end. if it’s a bit of extra content like lfr at no expense, sure no worries. same with instances with diffiuclty options. heroic mode fixes it to some degree, but that should have been available from the get go, or as people wanted from the beginning, a pvp mode

island expeditions are problematic in their own way, but at least there was some degree of challenge and strategy involved

it was one of the key expansion features and just underwhelmed badly. i think elenthas explains it way better than me tbh

These are all very fair points. I’ll admit, I forgot they tried to push the whole “RTS” angle in the first place but it makes sense to be disappointed in what we got. I certainly can’t say I find Warfronts very enjoyable either. I guess on the plus-side, they did kind of get Blizz to at least try to update parts of the old world to be in-line with the current story, but they could just do that without also spending resources on the Warfront scenarios.


Warfronts are problematic because they took so much resources from a dev team while being (as you say), really a mindless, boring feature. Time that could have been used for example to work out the class design issues that must have obviously come up in their own internal testing as well.

Kind of like how Azerite armor system was an unmitigated failure Blizzard themselves admitted 2 months before the expansion even launched. Now, stop there to think on that. The company. Themselves. Admits. That the system is a failure, and goes through with it anyway. If it wasn’t such a comedy it’d be a tragedy. Whatever happened to the famous Blizzard Polish?

Imagine if they spent all the time they spent on Island expeditions, Azerite armor and Warfronts on things like pvp system, m+ and raiding and class design, how much better they’d be.


btw I don’t hate BfA. It’s not the best expansion, but I’m sure the dev team have learned a lot from some of the missteps they’ve made and hopefully going into Shadowlands we’ll see the result of that

alright, it shall be done. Literally all features, the open world, resting zone, etc, will be removed. All that remains will be heroic and mythic raiding.