Shadowlands feedback - Holy Power is hated

Most people tend to go to forums to voice their disgust or to look for a solution for something, which is why it’s not surprising that it may seem like a majority dislikes the Holy Power system. I’m not certain that’s the case, however, and I would certainly not draw any conclusions based on the threads we see here. It wouldn’t be fair of me to speak for healers and tanks, but for Ret I really like the Holy Power system.

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Don’t spread misinformation, AW is not on a 3 minute cd.
It’s still a 2 minute cooldown, it says 3 minutes because it isn’t counting the leveling perk of reducing it to 2 minutes.

This was only a real problem in BfA, before BfA we never really had that much downtime.
But with the BfA changes they made it a lot slower which made it not feel good.

And what does feel like a paladin fantasy?
Just pressing abilities that are not on cd?
How would you change the class so it has that paladin fantasy?

Speak for yourself, WoD paladin was really good and really fun to play.
Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean other people also didn’t like it.

It’s certainly better than what we had before.

Only people I see are the same 5-6 people that are constantly posting how they don’t like it and not one of you suggests a different system other than just pressing what isn’t on cd.

No we don’t, we want it to be improved further so we have a fun and functioning spec like how it was before BfA.

Looking at the people who don’t like it, it seems that most of the pushback comes from people who play the game more casually and don’t push harder content.

I think that’s pretty much expected since they don’t really care to play the spec optimally and that makes them feel like they’re being held back because they have to push other buttons before pushing the big buttons that make them feel good.

Ehh, maybe not dmg wise, but gameplay wise, MoP and WoD were much better than Legion/BfA for me.

As I said before, this was primarily the case only with BfA, before BfA we didn’t really have any huge downtime where everything was on cd.
For some reason they decided to slow everything down with BfA so it did feel really bad at the beginning of the expansion.

When designed correctly though, like it was in WoD for example, I have no problem with it.


I mean, this thread alone got more than “5-6” people who dislikes it, so imagine the amount when you look at other threads and over on the US forums.

Oh yeah but I didn’t see that when I posted :woman_shrugging: it is not misinformation, it’s outdated information!

Anyone with a ‘brain’ knows that people only head to forms to complain, it’s like anything in life, majority of people don’t review a product if they had a good experience with it, and that is 100% a ‘fact’. Therefore it’s pretty obvious that you would see what on paper looks like a large number of unhappy people.

In other words your ‘majority of forum posters’ means absolutely nothing.

But i’m just here to say that Holy Power is the best system we’ve ever had, and without it it only becomes even more of a ‘brain dead’ spec. Paladin gameplay is made fun by the spells and interaction between them, holy power or not it will never be fun if the substance is bland.

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You -do- realize that if it wasn’t for people on the forums complaining, your real name would be visible on the WoW forums, right…?

i had that feeling. just didnt wanna be rude as someone who isnt very invested in the class^^
hope the changes please the devoted paladins, best of luck from a very…very sad feral boi. #savethekittens

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Why the hell would i care about that.
The people on the ‘forums’ is what’s wrong with this game, the less blizzard listen to them the better. I only wish they took more of a stand and just say ‘no’ from time to time. (like high elves)

Just proving you the point that Blizzard is listening to the forums. Though I can agree with you that the forums is what’s wrong with this game, having people with your kind of attitude.

Coming from someone thats judging how ‘bad’ it is from only seeing videos and reading text. Blizzard hasn’t even stated it’s the finished version after all it’s alpha…

Works for ret, but as a tank, hell no. I don’t want to be locked into a gcd rotation when i may need to spam abilities in a row to recover from someone mistake, even more if procs are involved.

I’ve watched Slootbag’s stream who mains a prot paladin and also plays at a really high level and his opinion is that it’s fine.
That it’s barely any different and that it can even be better because you can have higher SotR uptime.

I don’t really understand the second sentence, do you mean that instead of just pressing a heal or SotR you need to build to 3 holy power?
Light of the Protector is on gcd now anyway so it’s the same really.

I always felt that prot is fairly spammy, it was spammy in Legion and now in BfA as well and looking at the changes in Shadowlands it will remain that way.

IMO they should bring Seals back and throw away this HP system (same with the MW healing spheres)

What do you mean it works for Ret. You don’t even play Ret and yet you are going around saying that it works for Ret. What if I was going around and claiming that it works for Prot?

It does not work for Ret either. The majority of Ret Paladins want holy power out of the game too. And for a good reason. It’s been in the game for 5 expansions and it has not done any good, especially for Rets. Now, is the time for them to craft a gameplay for Ret that doesn’t revolve around a mechanic that has proven to better fit Rogues, Feral Druids, and WW Monks. #removeholypower

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Yes, we do. Most Paladin want Holy Power out of the game and for a good reason. For 5 expansions, they couldn’t anything good with it. It’s a combo point system. It may work for Rogues, Feral Druids, and WW Monk. It has proven that does not and will not work for Paladins, no matter how much you people think it can be proved. Don’t let them ruin Paladins for another Expansion. I really hope for once they don’t listen to people like you the minority who is favor of holy power and, actually listen to the majority and holy power to introduce a better, fluid and fun gameplay that doesn’t revolve around any combo point system for all 3 specs. Please remove Holy Power for Paladins all 3 specs. The majority wants it out of the game. #removeholypower

5 Expansions? Did we play the same game? MoP Ret > all rets in history. Not numbers, but how it worked. We also had holy paladin at its peak during WoD, yet another holy power expansion.

Only protection can complain, and again not because of holy power itself, but because of how it was implemented

I played Ret from BC to Now. The best, most fluid iteration of Ret was WotLK. Did you even play during WotLK? Because if you did, you would know that MoP was not even close to being as good as WotLK

So, now you wanna doom Prot with Holy Power. Great, make them ruin all 3 specs for Paladins for many more upcoming expansion.

I really hope they don’t listen to people like you for once after 5 expansions and actually remove holy power for all 3 specs. #removeholypower


Lmao most fluid? You mean the most braindead? Did you enjoy being the DH of the ICC patch? Also Ret was garbage before the scaling required by the items and ICC buff.

Did you even read what I said? I said Prot is the only spec that has a right to complain, because they are the ones who actually suffered from holy power. Rets like you just want an easy game.

Hi everyone,

I’m a very, very new player and I have no idea how things were before BfA,let alone before WotK so I lack the hindsight and expertise of the seasoned players. I roamed around the web to find answers to a few questions about the class and this thread seems to resonate some perplexities I have.
Please forgive me if some of the things I say are mistaken of wrong, it will be because of inexperience and naivety.

So, my take on the subject:

I’ve mained a demo warlock for a while before switching to ret pala because, honestly, I liked the lore better. Both are DPS and both work with a builder-spender mechanic with a 5 units cap so I think they can be compared on this respect.

The main difference i noticed since the first levels is the smoothness of demo rotation as opposed to the frankly disjointed ret one. With my warlock, programming the next few steps felt natural and logical and allowed me to pay more attention to things like my positioning, checking on the summons, buffs and debuffs going on, etc. It didn’t feel neither mechanical not constrained and the general flow was good and satisfying. Procs fit in nicely in the rotation without me jonesing for them. I got my generators, I got my spenders, I got some procs here and there. Interesting and fun, made me want to get better at it.

Ret pala on the contrary, feels kinda… frantic? Surely a bit confused and as I said, disjointed. CDs are weird, procs are somewhat uninteresting and the entire fight is a messy affair where one moment everything is on cooldown and the next everything is off cooldown, with little to no filler. And by everything i mean it, on full CD there are at least 4 different things on timer: Crusader Strike, Judgement, Blade of Justice, Avenging Wrath/Crusader) so all three generators and your burst, effectively making the entire thing stutter despite the short cd of Crusader Strike (why does CS have a cd anyway, it hits like a wet noodle). The result, at least to me, is that the playstyle is pretty draining while I try to figure out what’s the best next move and less enjoyable than what it could be.
I’ve read several times that ret palas are supposed to be kind of an hybrid class able to provide some measure of support (Cleanse, WoG, BoF, that kind of things), but if so, then the entire “fighting” part definitely needs to be smoothed over if the player is to be put in the position of also keeping tabs on what’s going on with the rest of the party and intervene if needed. Not that this take on the spec makes any sense to me anyway.

What I mean with this long rant is, I don’t think the issue is Holy Power per se, it’s just the way it flows, or rather doesn’t, that makes the entire thing disappointing.
For example, warlocks regenerate up to three shards out of combat. We lose HoPo. So when you enter combat again after a hiatus, not only you need to bumble your way to the fight (or waste a charge of divine steed), you’re also out of combo points. Time wasted, damage wasted.

The entire spec feels like it doesn’t really have a uniform spirit. It seems like it has a lot of leftover inefficient bits and scraps that need to be harmonized together. If we’re supposed to be angry iron-clad holy warriors that charge into the fray in the name of the Light, well that’s not how it feels right now. Shame though, i really love us.

TL;DR: I don’t think the issue is HoPo, just the terrible way it’s managed.

Or maybe I’m just a dumb newbie. Don’t eat me please.


No you are not. That is indeed the opinion of all people who matter. Holy power is not the problem by itself, its how its implemented. And it wasn’t always bad, meaning we have the capacity to make it good. This blind complaint about holy power serves nothing but derailing actual feedback about the class, like the lack of mobility.