Shadowlands is the best expansion ever made

I never grinded islands. Dont get why you think it was needed

I know, I was asking about the end game in general. Anyway, I got it. It’s rated, you are all set. Wish they didn’t screw up unrated - partly just prior to the release. Hope they fix it.

What is wrong with unrated?

If you only do random BGs, you become uncompetitive in them. Your gear caps at 29 ilvls lower than if you were doing rated PVP / M+ / raids. Unlike in Cata / MoP / WoD / Legion / even BFA.

Yeah, it’s always been that way. Honor gear for unrated, CQ for rated. Though you could still cap CQ in unrated but it would take a lot longer.

But that’s the case for every low tier content, right? If you only do LFR, you won’t be competitive to mythic raiders, and so on.

You could get conquest gear by doing random BGs. Now you no longer can. As I say, that’s different from pretty much all other expansions before.

Ah okay. I bet they didn’t bring back resilience either, which is kind of a big deal for me. Unless there are PvP talents that can work like resilience.

Looking at all the topics he created, hes paid for it or a bot.

That’s the case only in that ‘if you do low-level content, you get low-ilvl gear’. But that’s a wrong way to look at it for PVP. In PVP people don’t care about gear per se, they care about being competitive.

In all types of content in WoW, if you do that content, you get enough gear to get comfortable in it. With PVE this works by default because you gear up but your enemies do not. With PVP this does not work out of the box because, yes, you gear up, but your enemies gear up as well. In rated PVP, this is taken care of via ratings. In unrated PVP, this was being taken care of via either things like scaling / PVP stats, or best PVP gear being achievable from random BGs, although slower than from rated. Right now in SL they have nothing for unrated PVP along these lines, they removed everything, so people doing unrated PVP are screwed. They should fix it.

Just to be perfectly clear, the easiest solution that I suggest would be scaling of all gear in random BGs to a narrow ilvl range, similarly to WoD. Or, say, capping all gear in random BGs to the ilvl obtainable from these random BGs.

See this thread for more:

It is day 3 and I am already out of things to do. I can’t progress in covenant armor, because my campaign is stuck at X chapter. I can’t progress in campaign because my renown is too small. I can’t get renown higher because I am out of quests. I can’t create legendary armor because I am missing soul ash. I can’t get more soul ash because I am out of quests. I can’t upgrade my sanctum because I am missing Redeemed Soul and I can’t get more Redeemed Soul soul because I am out of quest. Every bits of content I’d like to progress I just can’t because I am forced to play in pace of the Timmy. I cannot see how this kind of game design deserves praise. Maybe I am not enough Timmy and need to eat more Vagisil.

I’ve just been taking my time questing through each zone and doing all quests and exploring and I’m honestly having a great time! The zones are absolutely incredible and it’s just such a nice change.

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Yeah you are right when i was on vacation in south america these aztecs stuff looked like zuldazar - damn blizzard :slight_smile:

It came to my mind as the ONLY thing you could possibly need to to before mythic week in mythic guild. Person I was responding to insists on his statement you need to grins 12 hours a day to stay “competitive”. My post was just part of longer conversation :wink:

Seems like current playerbase is just satisfied with aesthetics and questing. I prefer the older format when there was always stuff you could be doing to improve and progress. Even if it’s just farming emblems or mats so you could respec your gear to tweak your efficieny a few %s.

I think that’s where the older versions were better, because of the higher levels of customisation meant you could always be switching gems and enchants and glyphs to optimise and improve.

I mean obviously there was a limit to how far you could take it, but you could invest a lot more into a single character and not be time gated in how you do it. I’m not sure if that aspect has improved in this expac, I hope so.

I liked it the first day, then login/world issue arrised and haven’t been able to play since then. I hope it better by the weekend.

What are you going to do once the linear, mandatory story ends? See i know what ‘interactive-book fans’ do, they close their game like a book, and go read another ‘game-book’, which will be Cyberpunk two-thousand-whatever.

But what are actual gamers going to be doing in a month’s time on those tiny little lilliputian zones? Nowhere to explore, cookie-cutter quests, what now? Stand around listening to trade on that platform they call Oribos? I even accepted Draenor, but this attempt at a poor man’s Final Fantasy (all the bad linear ideas taken, but no good ideas like player-housing) is just tragic.

Enjoy your ‘immersive story’, because everything else was sacrificed for it. (and i thought it was the usual low-grade, predictable garbage anyway).

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Ain’t there four covenants with each their own campaign story to do?

Dunno man, raids? M+? BGs? Rates PvP? Like actual end-game content?

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