Shadowlands old raids solo?

No, only the open world and group finder will scale. If you go to a legion raid in the SL beta it’ll be around lvl 45 iirc.

Only BFA dungeons will be at lvl50

tbh I haven’t tried yet. I’m working on all the Legion content little by little and Argus is kinda the last raid I’ll get to. I need to get exalted with all non-argus reps before I start doing the argust questline and only after that I’ll get to Argus the raid. However, I’ve been able to easily solo everything I’ve tried so far, even on heroic.

ye heroic is easily soloable. Mythic is hard, as it has like triple-quadruple the hit points (scaling to 20 players instead of 10 as HC). I was able to solo Mythic EN, Nighthold and Trial of Valor but not any further.

Aggramar is a bit of a road block.
you’re on a platform with no edges and he does a knockback. if it’s just one player, he knocks you off the edge. can’t avoid it.
at least… the only way I can think of is if you can hit him hard enough. I haven’t got a ultra high gear score so I don’t know if it’s actually possible.

Youtube has a number of Aggramar Mythic solos, with various classes (warlock, prot pally, DH, to name a few).

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