Shadowlands old raids solo?

With the new expansion, you can go 10-50 choosing any previous expansion. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands… Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all raids difficulty will be on par with current legion raids?

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I think you know the answer. No.

We can solo current Legion raids tho :^)

By the way… your question legitimately has me scared. I didn’t think of this at all. I think they should be easily soloable, maybe only the BFA ones should be hard-ish.


You will still be able to do old raids and dungeons for mount and transmog farming.

To level through one expansion from 10-50 we enter Chromie time. This is just for levelling.

When we leave Chromie time all the level differences reappear.


Great! Wonder what will be the new levels though…since bfa will be level 50, each expansion goes down by 5 level? so legion will be 45?

I haven’t seen an exact conversion chart only speculation on how the expansion will be broken down to match the levels between 10-50.

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Blizzard said ‘yes’.


Post deleted


Nope. Raids aren’t scaled to 50. For example, MC drops ilevel 29 loot, which requires level 25 to equip. So it is safe to assume you can clear MC on level 40-ish with ease, and trivially at max level. Same goes for all other legacy raids.

They explicitly said that we will be able to solo old raids, and by the looks of it, they’re keeping that promise.

They probably know about this, and will find a way to do this. You will surely not able to solo BFA raids in Shadowlands, but up to Legion, you possibly can.

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Depends on class and ilvl scaling I suppose.
You can solo plenty of stuff from Legion now already. But sure, maybe not everything and maybe not every player or class.

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all old raid level down like as 60lvl is high level
It’s good

I’ve seen a dev announcement somewhere (can’t remember where) that stated running old raids won’t be affected by the level squish and the new levelling process.

Hazelnutty has a video of her running old raids on a level 57 SL character on the alpha. Icecrown Citadel is level 30, Firelands is level 35. However, she says legacy loot wasn’t working. But that was in may and will probably be get fixed.

You will still be able to power your way through legacy, Legion raids once u hit max level in Shadowlands and have some good gear will be cakewalks even on mythic.

It would be daft for Blizzard to scale them, as the vast majority of people who run legacy raids do so for mogs, not for difficulty.

I can’t wait to continue farming the red scythe in Shadowlands.


Raids will never scale with level, their difficulty will be unchanged on launch

Legacy Buff, where you do like x100 damage, should still take effect for all content till two expansions behind.

you can solo aggramar?

What about coven and kj :laughing:

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