Shadowlands PvP trinket set bonus and PvE Trinkets

the 20% dmg of Versa from PvP trinket set bonus is to weak PvE trinkets still oneshot People in Arena. becorse People have arround 20% versa… 20% of this are 4% more dmg/heal with PvP trinkets its to weak PvE trinkets still perform way better aka oneshots

i have a very easy fix to the Set bonus and it dont need any balancing
Change the Set bonus to “deal 30% more dmg/heal to Players + take 30% less dmg from Players”
the set bonus will negates him self (so no balancing needed) and if you don’t play 2 PvP trinket bonus you will take more dmg and deal less dmg / heal less.
the only change we need than is “heal is reduce by 30% in PvP” to negate the heal aspect on the set bonus
this will Fix the Problem with PvE trinkets

the other solution would be disable PvE trinkets in PvP or at least in Arena and RBG. same easy and also dont need balancing trinkets… less work and more happy Players

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Disable PvE trinkets in instanced PvP is my solution.


Or at lower potency against other players like we had in the past with the Spirit Eruption trinket (although it was pretty easy to ignore/bypass this limitation in the open world)

I think Activision Blizzard cares more about how many people are Raiding, more than how balanced PVP is, tbh.

The more imbalanced a PVE trinket is, the more people will want it, thus making more people going to join Raids.

As for PVP, I think they only care on how much people they can entice to put that WM on, rather than how enjoyable the experience is.


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Good thing is that Blizzard sad they will be nerfed. They are available on beta now to test them all but some of them will still be hard to balance.

Some trinkets were nerfed by 50% 2-3 times before they were still stronger than PvP ones but acceptable and some of SL trinkets look pretty bonkers.

i get that they are busy and cannot fix those trinkets properly but why leave these broken things in the game for now then? Disable the trinkets till you tune them, don’t let them ruin the limited beta testing time we still got left.

no excuse for this

I was just saying that you can effectively reduce a PvE trinkets to a soft pillow by changing its behavior in an PvP environment. For instance the dmg stored by the spirit eruption trinket was (if i recall correctly) like 30% of all the damage you had done during its uptime towards another player compared to 126%+ for PvE pre legion.

This could only have been bypassed in world PvP by the spirit eruption player proccing it and hitting any mob in range which forced the other player to either run away as far as possible or face a horrible horrible death. Needless to say it was pretty funny on a pvp realm if a player decided to come near you while you were hitting a rare etc only to watch them fall over in an mere instant

Just bring templates back. Like seriously, stop pleasing PvEers like that.

This is the main reason , M + shined in legion and bfa , the numbers clearly show .Raiding has left the spotlight .

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1.30 * 0.7 = 0.91 :wink:

this is actually not the math behind that its 30% - 30% = 0%

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