Shadowlands: The Chains of Domination Content Update is Now Live!

Keep up the great work Blizzard! Your supporters knew you’d pull through.


Someone wake up Twilly!

At lvl20, you’re not wrong.

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behind every product there are people who work. Supporting a project is never stupid, especially if it takes time and a lot of art. Obviously you will be perfect in your work and in life, we poor mortals show empathy in these things too

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until +15 its casual now. Tanks were buffed. Healer got mana due to affixes. necrotic and storming was nerfed. There are a lot good changes that will enrich the m+ runs now.

Only thing that still sucks is the loot :smiley:

Opening the :champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:

They’re not an indy studio, they have Amazon’s backing.

What you’re enabling is multibillion dollar corporations shipping unfinished product. At least don’t be happy about it. I would understand if it was some indie company that didn’t want to take out a loan and was using consumer funding to maintain its independence.

Do not use indie rhetoric for Amazon. This is not a small studio, this is Big Corp. They have the funding.

PS: Preordering and playing a game in beta is very beneficial for Big Corp. They can deny refunds based on the beta status of the software, but then you’ve played more than 2 hours, so they can deny a refund based on that, too. Do you know why Warframe still calls itself beta? Because the word “beta” comes with some legal… liberations. A lot of consumer protection doesn’t apply to “beta”. This is why corpos love selling early access.

So forget about any of the rhetoric you said. Enabling this type of action from giant corporation is basically flipping the consumer off.

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Is that a referance to TBC HYPE TBC HYPE :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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To little to late, you saw you where loosing subs and got scared and obviously rushed this out. 16 year wow vet with 4 days left on sub, ffxiv is the way im heading


That’s really sad, actually, watching how they butchered the game with this expansion.


2/3rd? :rofl: :joy:
Talk about over exaggeration.

Shadowlands, where you grind to unlock new things to grind for. How about giving some actual, good old - rewards? Like, give the item. Don’t have us spend ages to unlock something that isn’t actually unlocked but just requires even more grinding?! It’s getting real boring, real fast to do so much, and never get anything.

Will there be a high poly studio cinematic ,like bfa had those with Saurfang ?


Good thing we got TBC Classic… this expansion is just a mess. The story is dumb and just goes in circles. The flawed ideas that the dev team introduced is not being scrapped, instead they are made even worse by forcing everyone to do the same chores all over again. I think it is time WoW lost it’s #1 position on the MMO charts so that they maybe learn to compete… and not just decline.

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Misunderstood. Sylvanas is traitorous.

m1-3 is ‘‘casual’’ anything more requires you to actually focus

Time to dust off my hammer.
Patch is just around the corner.

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According to the launcher the patch will take a while

Which usually means the thing is done at 11am given they fixed most issues that could/would occur during the US maintenance already like in previous patches. Followed then by a potential login queue depending on your realm.

I mean the meme of the US being beta testers doesnt come from nowhere.