Shadowlands: The Eternity’s End Content Update Goes Live 23 February

How is this too soon?

Ahhhh! Yeah that makes more sense than what I thought! :blush:

Agreed. A week later or maybe even a week after mythic releases is more than enough (as in: complete LFR raid released then).

In what way?

So finally the End of Shadowlands!! :slight_smile: :pizza:


who cares?

Many people.
Certainly more people than those who participate in Mythic raiding.


Well there’s 11 bosses. That’ll probably be 4 wings. They’ll stretch that out over 3-4 months, easily. They have a habit of doing that, although I would like to see a release schedule before I get overly pessimistic about something I don’t know yet for a fact. :yum:

I care.


Players who only do LFR?
Also players that want the LFR mogs as well?
Maybe players that like LFR?
Or just maybe… any that do LFR?

I do it for mogs btw, so if they’d release all of it 2nd week, it’d be peachy. :no_mouth:

P.S. Obligatory rant that ret sets are still bad and the devs should feel bad for ignoring 2+ months of feedback on them.


I bet your clientele does. You want more lfr heroes in a dire need for helping hand or game full of guys like you?


Does this mean patch notes are final, or will those arrive at a closer date to the 23rd?

With the current PTR build and its imbalance especially between healers it will be alot of fun next Arena season. Not. We have given alot of Feedback already, make use of it please. Make MW for once viable atleast.

My guess is that the reason for no trailer is that the ‘Water We Can Walk On’ video served that purpose? Not really. It was cringy, that lady who talked about the spiders looked like Stevie was aiming at her with his replica Sylvanas Bow, and in general, even if the patch is good, that preview was… weird.


There is no balance, many sets still bugged or total Garbage.
Feedback ignored all the way.

I hope Microsoft axes these clown devs if they want to “have more players in wow”


Fair point.

In 2 weeks…I really hope they can fix all that was given in the feedback, but I’m afraid, that this is not going to end well.

I understand we’re all sick of Korthia and The Maw and what not, but according to the feedback, there are still so many things wrong and I for one won’t keep my hope up.

April 19 – Raid Finder Wing 4

So not too bad.

I doubt they’re final since the current PTR patch is not a release candidate yet.

Nah, they will ignore it like 90% of the class feedback forum.

Yo devs, don’t even bother to put up the feedback forum for 10.0.

I just hope Microsoft axes this clown team


:ok_hand: :nerd_face:

(aww yeee)

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this is going to be an absolute dumpster fire with so many tier sets and other things bugged to the point where they arent even working.

I love the fact hunters have been completely forgotten about too