Shadowlands: The Eternity’s End Content Update Goes Live 23 February

lfr is how >50% of wow experiences raids


MM tier set is bugged so badly its not even working. No feedback taken on for 2 months
BM tier set is purely ST and means they lag behind alot in aoe. + the bugs
Survival tier set was so bugged it did 3x the dmg of anyone else. They fixed a few bugs but introduced more.

& thats just the hunter bugs

Theres been no class changes at all bar tooltip amends for hunters in this whole PTR cycle.

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Ret set says hi!

RNG on top of RNG bs tier set :+1:


What is this?

Raid Finder Minimum Item Level: 220

ilvl 220 for lfr? wth?

I couldn’t care less about MM, and honestly it’s still to be seen if I, as someone who doesn’t participate in the big 3, will be able to even get a tier set. So I’m not worried honestly. :blush:

In fact if I were to be ‘that guy’ I could view it as… karma. ‘We’ don’t get tier sets, ‘you’ don’t get GOOD tier sets. :kissing_heart:

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Ahhh the pettiness of Tah. There it is.

If you knew anything everyone can get a tier set, you can turn ANY item into a tier set item, so stop being petty af and wishing broken, buggy mess of gear on others because they do content you refuse to do. Its pathetic.


Yipee!! Time to farm ALL THE ANIMA

Umm. Damn Lost Ark is just ticking boxes as well.


You get 226 BoA gear from the new zone, 236 from rares, so 220 for LFR is pretty fair.

Do Blizz never learn?! You’ve not got tuning done. Half your tier sets don’t even work. Stop bowing to pressure to release something that’s not ready… Get it right and then release it. Sheesh.


What ilvl is the raid giving?

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You will not be. Tier sets come from the big 3, and even the Catalyst thing requires a seasonal item to upgrade to tier (ie, an item from the big 3). Mythic+0 drops will be eligible though.

Do you have proof of that? Because yes that is what the devs implied, but that’s not how it’s looking on the PTR according to some streamers/YTers.

For instance.

And please don’t call me petty.

I’m not. I said ‘IF I wanted to be ‘that guy’’. Words matter.

226 on LFR.

Then it IS absurd to ask for 220 ilvl when the raid gives 6 more only.
Currently it’s 195ilvl for Sanctum for 213 ilvl gear, 18 ilvl difference.

Or am i remembering wrong?

To clarify i’m talking about ilvl to be able to join LFR, maybe they’re referring to what ilvl the raid drops in the post?
Can be read either way i guess… but when they say minimum i’m thinking about what ilvl it is required to queue.


:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: < ---- dev team


:face_with_monocle: will there be anima buff in 9.2?

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Oh, give them a break will you? They’re probably doing the best with the time frame given and resources they have available.

It’s not the devs setting deadlines etc.

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We were patient long enough, yet they still didn’t care about communication. This one is all on them. They deserve everything they get.


They didn’t communicate or did give any info on the ton of feedback all players gave.

2-3 months of feedback that got totally ignored.

They deserve every single bit of flame.

Oh big PS:

THEY LIED : “class sets are a work in progress and will undergo substantial design changes in the near future”

Yeah, all the specs with terrible and bugged sets are slow clapping.