Shadowlands: The Eternity’s End Content Update Goes Live 23 February

Allright, I guess it fits in here…
I want to be hyped about this. I really do.
Usually around this time before a content release I would count days, debate which character to play first… The usual “new Patch is coming-Stuff”.

But I am not. I am just… frustrated.
Not because a lot of people complain about the PVE-Content or the weak story WoW is currently suffering from. I am with you on that, no doubt.
And I still hold my hopes high, that it will get better.

No… I am frustrated because of Spoilers. And I can’t blame anybody for it.
A game needs to be tested, developers need feedback and Youtube-Channels need their content. But… does it have to be nearly the whole story?

I try not to spoiler myself. I avoid to click on videos or links, that look like PTS-content. I told everyone that I don’t like to be spoilered. And then there is one Thumbnail after the other, and a News-PopUp about another story-related fact that just got datamined.
I know what is coming just from that! And it saddens me. It makes me angry.
I want to discover Zereth Mortis. I want to guess what comes next in the story (even if it’s not a great one).
I feel like being in the line of a cinema, ready to watch a movie and everyone around me spoils it!

I don’t know if this can be… fixed. Maybe tell PTS-Player to keep quiet or keeping quest-text out. I really don’t know.
It is more of a rant. A feeling I needed to express somewhere, in the hopes it gets heard. Maybe then 10.0 gets a bit more of a lid on the Spoiler-Leaks.

the sarcasm is delicious

Looks great.

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