Shadowlands Titan Discord

Hi everyone, hope all of you are having a nice day! :sunglasses:

We’ve been hard at work at the Titan community discord lately, preparing as best we can for Shadowlands. :muscle:

What is the Titan discord all about?

  • You can use our community discord freely for your pugs.
  • We offer free voice comms, weakauras, addon packs and everything you need to achieve Ahead of the Curve and Keystone Master.
  • Easy access to all Class discords, Trading and Secret Finding communities.
  • WoW news directly in your mobile phone as notification pop-up.
  • Featuring some of the top streamers from world leading guilds and YouTube content creators.
  • Quick sim your character directly in the discord with a simple command.
  • Sign up for the best pugs rather than trying your luck with the group finder over and over.
  • Meet new friends from all English speaking regions across the globe.

We want to keep the Titan discord completely free from all sorts of RMT and other shady businesses.

Hope to see you around! :smiley:


There will be another Beta test raid on friday.
Like last time we’re aiming for at least 5 raid groups.

There will be multiple streams from the raid as well as logs to be found in the Titan discord.

Some of our raiders will be making YouTube class- and raid guides from this run.

Want to join in on the fun?
Sign up for the raid in our discord (it’s open for everyone).

World of Warcraft Titan community going with 6 raid groups (120 players) in tonights Beta test raid.

You can find link to multiple streamers inside our community discord as well as logs after the raid.

Advertising :ballot_box_with_check:
Third party spyware :ballot_box_with_check:
No blizzard regulation :ballot_box_with_check:

Why is this allowed on official wow forums? Let’s advertise Heinz ketchup and reddit as well

This is the community forum for WoW.

We are a community discord where all English speaking WoW players can meet new friends and group up, without any RMT involved at all. Is that bad?

there are in-game communities . advertising third party like discord spyware is against rules no?

Another corrupt community not doing it for the community but for themselves?

Ignore them, these two have it in their heads that all Discord servers and members are part of some secret cabal hell-bent on turning WoW into the Illuminati.


Its facts though, just about being caught if method did it, so do everyone else. wowhead is doing it, don’t think there is any community out there doing it for the community, other than the one I run.

And its just about again getting caught, we’ll see some action later down the road.


  • Reached 1000+ members this weekend!
  • Transmog competition on-going with prizes such as 6 month gametime including Sprite Darter’s Wings, store mount and store pet.

More to come as we enter Shadowlands next week!

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