Lets be real for a second… This is by far, and clearly, the most op racial. Especially for restealthing. But even just for avoiding something.
Edit: As someone suggested, best way to ‘nerf’ Shadowmeld is to make it share to 30 second gap CD with trinket. Job done 
yeah 100% there is a reason most high level pvpers play Nelf
This ability exists for around 15 years in its current state. Buff other racials is a solution.
Im a noob but in the current meta would Dark Iron Dwarf not be better?
Unless someone is playing a Druid or Rogue ofc.
I don’t think you can buff other racials to be on par with meld, this is the issue. Its such a high disruption racial that it out values most things as its basically the equivalent of vanish without the improved stealth effect.
idk why they dont just make racials in pvp a 4th honour talent you take. they can even make it easy and keep the current available ones to X class only pickable on that class.
i.e shamans can’t get shadowmeld, but they’ll be able to pick from dorf racials, troll racials, orc racials etc.
they could just call them something like ‘aspects’ you pick your aspect. ‘aspect of durotar’ and you get all of the orc racials. ‘aspect of teldrassil’ and you get all the night elf racials.
its so boring going to play a char and saying
‘damn, i bet troll druid would look fire with all that dazar’alor gear…’
and then the voice of reason pops into your head
‘and play the game without shadowmeld vanish? are you insane? do you wanna meld stormbolts or not? do you want free drinks or not? do you want to instantly go flight form or not? do you wanna leave combat and mount in blitz or not? enjoy your 10% haste racial bozo LOL 3 minute cooldown??? whats that line up with? how often you got beat up in school hahaha troll racial LMFAO’
and then you just pick night elf again
Night elf being good is the best case scenario. I remember being forced to play Horde because it got so much special treatment that playing alliance was actively ruining your game experience.
Undead, Orc, gnome, dwarf, dracthyr and human are also great racials. I’ll never get over the ptsd I got from being forced to play Tauren/Orc for the longest time
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Meld exists like this for 15 years, yet it was not a problem. And now “its impossible for racial to be on par with meld”. What you are even talking about.
What a horrible suggestion, Jesus. We are playing rpg, maybe let’s not completely kill the roleplaying aspect of it with ideas as bad as this one.
I’d rather have them disable racial in rated pvp than go with something as silly as “everyone can use every racial”… Just awful.
They nerfed a lot of racials that were better than meld over 15 years. If they nerf meld then everyone will switch to the next op racial (probably dwarf/dark iron).
The only long term solution is to disable racials in rated pvp just like engineering toys or consumables.
Then rated pvp will become even more dead than it is now.
I dont see how letting everyone to play whatever race they want makes them quit the game? Personally i would welcome such change as its caster unfriendly and rogue/feral friendly (as both have been Broken for ages).
Quick fix: Put Shadowmeld on same cd as trinket. Just as they did with all the other racials (like ud, human, dwarf(?))
Almost all my chars play with shadowmeld. It simply is much better than the rest.
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Meld exists like this since wotlk, why everyone start to crying about it now?
Was in it in WOTLK where they made it useable in combat ?
Also I remember in the beginning it didn’t have a grace period. So when you pressed it with a spell mid air you would still get hit.
How disabling racials in pvp would make less people play it, wtf. If anything, more people would play it as they wouldn’t feel like they are gimping themselves by not playing night elf or whatever fotm racial there is. Flawed logic.
Because better racials got nerfed? Human, undead, orc, blood elf were all nerfed for pvp. Blood elf racial literally went from best to worst with a single nerf…
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Then how do you see a solution in nerfing racial instead of buffing other?
The design of classes now is horrible, everyone have everything and every class is similar. Lets make the same with races?
Blood eld racial was nerfed because of pve in BFA, because of aoe pack silence in m+.
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Then in this case Racials should be disabled in PvE as well.
Best solution for Shadowmeld is to make shadowmeld put stealth related abilities on 10 sec CD. In this case the unique aspect of shadowmeld would be preserved for non Stealthed/Invis classes and it won’t be a garbage racial.