Before they gave everyone 200 stuns tauren was viable option.
The problem with racials now is that every class has everything. dwarf racial? Even rogues can remove bleeds. Gnome racial? 90% classes has slow/roots removing. Blood elf racial? What for if there is 200 buffs on target, you cant remove anything useful anyway, etc.
Nice copium again. Meld is the best racial in the game for the longest time, especially in a weak aura meta. Every other racial got butchered into uselessness except maybe dwarf which is situational.
I doubt they will ever touch meld, they know all the wierdos and soyboys love moggies on a nelf female.
I checked like top 25 guilds and most locks are same race, weird almost like some races were better than others but i guess they just like looks of this one dominant race right.