
Just tried m+ to get some gear before leveling, and gotta say that with bursting…MD nerf straight up feels like developing fail. Not overnerf, or kneejerk…just an amateur fail that was done by secretary on front desk that dont know jack :poop: about wow. Its not even like funny how useless it is. I dont know why priest arent more enraged about this.

In pvp its even worse.


Oh but they are half the pvp priest shadow are enraged at the American forums also Priest has millions buggs as of now some buggs are that [Psychic Link] dont work with [Phantom Reach] etc also shadow crash that follows target talent is bugged to not sometimes applie to nearby tatgets.

Then we have the [Idol of C’Thun]being bugged. And blizzard launching an not so fantastic class rework in to a game mode which is ment for pulling 40+ adds with an 8 dot cleave. I don’t know what to feel.

I don’t know what to say to be honest the dev for shadow has taken on big L’s since after season 1 dragonflight.

should work with

keeping dots up

Also Mental decay should be a passive priest gets automatically when reaching lvl 20 without having to specc in to since people just dispell our dots all the time in pvp.

Then after reset Priest is taking more damage from spells than other classes literally Our Power Word : shield absorbs nothing same with [Angelic Bulwark] litterally 1% not even that they should buff it more.

Do you know if [Idol of C’Thun] has been fixed? Someone said 6 days ago that it had been fixed but I did Halls of Infusion yesterday and the void tendrils were pulling mobs.

The combat / not attacking issues are fixed.

It’s still a little messy if you’re right at the edge of your range with the new range extension talent, but not in a way that makes it dangerous.

has been fixed. Yet no fixes against bloaty hard cast pvp.

no instant DA or VF

They made a whole expansion based on your class what more can you ask for?, Xal’atath litterly show off how powerful a shadow priest currently is or will be.

you are a donkey.
Xal’atah is not a Shadow Priest, she is a NPC.

  • Cool theme sure, but that really has nothing with how horrible the SP design currently is.
    I don’t even understand your point.
    We are talking about Shadow Priest as spec, not a cool void NPC in game?
    I can assure you that Xal’s coolness does not have any influence on how sh*t SP is…

The play style is godawful.

Xal’atah I don’t really care for even if blizzard added this weapon.https://www.wowhead.com/item=18609/anathema

I still don’t care. It’s the awful slow play style. Why is even DA VF a cast time? why is halo even a cast time? Why does C turn still attacks not in combat targets. Why does shadow crash disappears if target dies and not land on another target near the enemy’s if its engaged in combat.

Literally they have so many dev teams yet shadow feels less shadow and more a personal problem each time you log in to the class your reminded the dev’s hates the class. Adding cast times to literally everything.

Why can’t we cast while inside dispersion ??? paladins can do damage and heal during their bubble.

sadly all you got was a voice line not even a rework

Devs are taking all the money running down the pip with it. GLHF.

Are we saved?


not by a long shot but they are in a not karen mode at the momment wait next expack

Thus the botton feeder class starts.

lets nerf shadow

  • Psychic Link now inflicts 25% of its direct damage to targets afflicted by Vampiric Touch (was 30%).

GG Blizzard.

:smiley: This nerf pretty much killed Spriest for near future.

For PVE its pretty much rip or?

For PvP its actual an upgrade because you dont care about the physik link damage and are happy with 6%st buff, BUT the problems are mobility and interrpts and dispells not damage

Go pvp hah hard cast everything. Even DA and VF hardcast still.

Lets nerf the botton feeder.


take fury warriors and shamans and warlocks boys RIp shadow.



After raid last night - Shadow Priest is the clunkiest mess I’ve ever played in any class/spec since Vanilla.

states the all of this xD

another expack you be seeing no rework guys GG:

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devs giving literally paladin Prot & shamans which are decent a new rework.

talk about hiding from the problem.

they should buff https://www.wowhead.com/spell=451308/depth-of-shadows

To proc on mind blast as well and buff it up to 100% instead of 20% health make it spawn when you crit instead.

would had been fun to see a DA build with shadow word death cleave :slight_smile:

would make [Idol of Y’Shaarj] + mindbender viable

cap it to 3 mind benders