
Hi devs.

Can you address shadow in the following expansion. Could you please remove all the rng procs with having luck hitting shadow crash. Can you ramp it up and add back some better dot spread start with adding back mind sear make it huge.

Or rather bring back Cascade www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aen-KP2LIqc

Or 2nd option split shadow in to two specc’s one that is void and one that is shadow.

Fix the class make it better shadow deserves better it’s just frustrating all other classes has unlimited aoe cleave meanwhile we only have 8 targets hard cap on everything druids can dot spread via just using their dots on targets same with unholy death knights.

This is coming from all

side note buff https://www.wowhead.com/spell=451308/depth-of-shadows

To proc on mind blast as well and buff it up to 100% instead of 20% health make it spawn when you crit instead.

would had been fun to see a DA build with shadow word death cleave :slight_smile:

would make [Idol of Y’Shaarj] + mindbender viable cap it to 3 mind benders.


First time the introduce shadowcrash people hate it, the saw nobady was playing the talent and overbuffed it so people that min max a bit have too pic it
They saw a lot of player pic that talent and asume people like it

So we still are with this horrible bad version of dot applying getting almost worse every xpac

that’s why they should find some new way of dot application i don’t think having it be similar to Divine star is any problem solver it just makes things worse.

They need to make it like beast cleave or Divine storm make dot cleaving for shadow better.

Right now it feels horrible make devouring dot spread as well when applied a 2nd time. Or something at lest.

sadly the dev team doesn’t care enough to fix shadow since they got to cater to the augmentation people and the 1%.


Shadow crushing the meters and you’re still crying.

Shadow crash hitting the target and not the ground and you’re still crying.

All you do is move the goalposts so you can keep shedding tears.

#stopgivingbadfeedback #stopbumpibgyourbadthreadswithalts


still 8 targets hard cap on 20 + adds pulls feels sad.

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another reason they should switch dev team This is a big L: :confused:

It as hated as mindgames. give back cascade

I don’t think that shadow crash is bad by any means, at least in PvP enviorement. How many times do you encounter a situation in m+ that you fight more than 8 targets at once? If you encounter such fights, how many mobs are there?

sometimes bosses spawns 20+ adds such as in academy and some times when tank pulls big 16 adds.

In those fights you feel useless.


Well you can’t divine storm peace out :stuck_out_tongue:

but by all means mind games got removed now they didn’t even give you a rework or even a overhaul.

In aoe situations its crap in pvp i can understand auto luck dot can help a bit with many CCS and stuns.

but in pve its literally garbo.

What was the point of advertising over and over the “Look what a nice job we did with visuals” of Voidweaver with the black hole and the cast while moving void torrent and after 3 weeks of back to back nerfs they made the whole talent tree a piece of trash and pushed everyone to play the same boring Archon playstyle. is it THAT hard to give shadow priest a dot spreading like Sunfire buff back Voidweaver and let it be the only Shadow talent tree? Archon is a freaking healer…jeez

Thank god I didn’t play beta ;D

problem is they kicked probably half the design crew for shadow down the road. And has no motivation to do something about shadow.

No mind sear no mind bender no dot spread no 5man power infusion. No dev team caring for bugs.

10/10 pre launch

apparently blizzard can’t give priest 5man power infusion and a better dot spread instead of this frustration.

I hate shadow crash, I used to like it when it was just a blank aoe tho, then it was atleast fun to use, now it’s just literally designed to annoy me and I don’t play m+ or care about efficient aoe damage, and it just takes away from the core playstyle of multidotting mantually which is the fun part playing shadow.

Also, the “other choice” of not playing shadow crash + the passive are all extremely lackluster in comparison XD

#BringBackDamnation :slight_smile:

It is what it is the dev’s deserves some credit. They are trying, But shadow crash needs to go its more frustration when having a moving tank.

They should make https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=375994/mental-decay work aoe with https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=199484/psychic-link would mean easyer dot keeping on adds and less stress.

Mind sear was So much more fun to use(the old filler version).

Shadow Crash should be a choice based on you benefitting to aiming with it but not having your entire value of your rotation based on it! Like in the past we had the active choice to spec it but we could pick other talents aswell…

Think they should make a rework mind flay in to something after shadow crash has landed on many target maybe so it can 4 cleave targets instead with old Mind sear skin like they tried in legion but make it work with the https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=375994/mental-decay instead then you could remove void bolt and make it work with mind spike too, It feels so not impactful to use mind flay/mind spike on one target in pve feels worthless to be honest after the dots gets removed.

And don’t get me started on void bolt it feels sloppy joe just remove it.

Also they should make Shadow crash in to a cast time 1.5 sec cast with 20 Insanity cost and remove the internal cd with more than 8 targets dot spread and make it land instead of travel then make void form and dark ascension instant cast.

would make shadow feel less boring, then make mind bender it to a strong ST thing and C turn in to a strong aoe specc. I think mind bender is the most interesting thing they have come up with when it comes to shadow the recent years.

Then you have a really good aoe void form specc and a dark ascension st spec.