In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Shadowsong in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Suricarta here, played a Night Elf priest.
Was in the following guilds: Phoenix Rising, Satre, Myrmidons & Soul of the Fire
For classic I’ll be returning as either Hunter or a Mage (farming outside of raids was a pain!). Looking at casually raiding.
Miw, Night Elf Rogue - Danes of Honor.
FranChen, Human Paladin - Danes of Honor.
Miwi, Orc Hunter - Ordo Templi Draconis & Wrath
Kyshe, Undead Rogue - Spawn & Wrath
In Classic i’ll be playing Wratun, Gnome Rogue, on Mograine
/wave to: Suricarta, Jenya, Cayway, Turiel.
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Played Alliance on here throughout Vanilla and TBC
Dynodevil (Won’t be flying by that name this time, I was 13 at the time!)
Was a warrior in the guilds of Shadow Army and then Endless.
Happy to reconnect with anyone from back then, so many good memories.
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I remember Dynodevil! 
Also played Alliance throughout Vanilla.
Theoro, Night Elf Hunter in the guilds Shadow Army and then Endless a little later on.
May be rerolling class but likely keeping the name! Happy to reconnect, would love a Shadow Army reunion!
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Aliya - Gnome Mage
Anyone from RENAISSANCE guild?
NeoSmoke - Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Saints
I believe Saints was formerly known as The Brotherhood of Light, I’m not sure about that.
I’m not exactly sure when, but I’ve joined Encore later on to raid with them up until the ICC raids.
Char: Sinius, NE Rogue
Guild: Teddybears of Doom
I will be playing the same 
Hey hey!
So far I don’t recognize many names around here!
I used to play on Shadowsong around vanilla and TBC.
My first character was a gnome mage named Steeky and I used to main a night elf priest Bonito!
Would be nice to get in contact with some old friends
Used to play the gnome warlock Jenya.
Guilds were Danes of Honor, and Core of Insight.
Haven’t decided on class and race yet.
Maenvar - Human Paladin
Keldor - Human Warlock
My first (and only) guild in Vanilla was Renaissance, with which i later transfered to RU realms. Actually I joined closer to the end of Vanilla, so not so many real contacts from guild, but nevertheless.
Will start as a warlock or a priest (not decided yet).
Hi Folks,
I recognise some old guild names here, really a blast from the past.
I played a Night Elf Warrior called ‘Korhil’, I cannot for the life of me remember any of the people I used to play with so if this name rings a bell with anyone hit me up 
Hi Keldor! This is very interesting - my first ever char used to be in this mostly Russian speaking guild called “RUSH” and they were on DMF (RP server) and soon after TBC launched they decided to move to Shadowsong and I created a new char to join them there. I also started playing around the end of Vanilla btw 
So I don’t actually remember if they changed the guild name when they moved (I didn’t play much with them on Shadowsong) but it could have been “Renaissance” haha. Or there’s a good chance they knew each other. Anyway, they also moved to a RU server after that (maybe it was the same guild - I don’t remember!) but I never followed so I lost touch.
Let me know if any of this makes sense to you - I’m curious)) And of course it would be cool to reestablish some Russian connections if anybody else is going to be about! I don’t plan to start playing Classic when it launches but most likely a bit later when I have more time and hopefully the community grows.
My main character on Shadowsong was/is a human warrior named Tomtefar, he was in the guild Nemesis Alliance.
I’ll probably make a human warrior again and also a tauren warrior
Night Elf hunter here named Enelya, been a loooong while.
Might roll a druid this time though
Love them too much <3
Cant really remember any guilds that I was in lol
Hi Solinda!
I don’t actually remember any contacts between “RUSH” and “Renaissance”, but the name of the guild itself looks familiar a bit.
Me perconally planning to start Classic right from the release date but many of my friends will not start Classic at all, so it’s really great to make some new connections.
That’s fine man, at least you kind of recognise it! I will have to see how soon I can join up on Classic after launch. Would you like to add my BattleTag? It’s blackwolf#2289 - that would probably be the easiest to keep in touch))
Some names from the past. /wave Miw
I’ll try classic too, Mirage server i guess.