Shadowy Duel Bug?

Hello everyone,

I was playing in arena and I used Shadowy Duel against a Warrior to kill him (without his healer).
I managed to kill him but I got killed 3 secs later by him (already dead) with a spell “Shatter” than I don’t even know, which did 27k damage lol.

Does someone already got this bug ?

He was probably Venthyr with
“service in stone” Soulbind from General Draven

Thanks ! I didn’t know this spell.
Do you know what is the range of the spell ?
I didn’t find any information about this.

Must be melee range since it doesnt show anything. idk if you are still in the duel phase when your target dies but usually you see this avatar smashing.

I think, but i’m not sure, the Shadowy Duel ended after the warrior died but before I got the damage from “Service in Stone” and died (I was seeing my partner again at that moment). If I remember correctly I didn’t see any avatar smashing (maybe because I went out of Shadowy Duel) but I got the damage anyway (because aoe damage works through Shadowy Duel, right ?).

Service in stone actually has the same issue as pod does in dual. They died so they are removed from the dual and for its duration you are unable to see it, being honest I think this is one of the most frustrating parts of the skill, its cool af and really fun but it has such bad interactions with a number of class abilities

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