Like the passive we had in shadowlands i think it was called dark thoughts, allow us to use the proc during mind flay, this would synergize really well with idle of c’thun.
Honestly, the design of shadow is kinda weird, it’s still fun, but there are so many design flaws.
I doesnt work like that my dude… when you allow cast mindblast during flay…it instantly puts forward the degenerate gameplay of always casting flay before using your proc like in shadowlands. Thats exsctly what shadow doesnt need.
Blizzard dont want to improve on shadowlands Season 4 people who are 1 % player base didn’t like it so blizzard listen to them now we are here with a legion rework You have to take void bolt and Void torrent else we don’t allow any choice.
I think Shadowlands season 4 is as good as shadow will ever get. I felt so fun to proc those mind blast and get Living Shadow doing insane amount of damage it was fun to stack a debuff on your self that did awesome damage.
was not to be since blizzard don’t allow any fun. Near the end of shadowlands you didn’t even have to use void bolt and i loved it.
Only suggestion i have for blizzard is for them to make 2 speccs for shadow one that is VOID and one that is old school shadow Sort of like they did with Feral and Guardian in Mop when people didn’t know how to specc feral tank and feral dps.
But now when china is out i think we will only go down a sad spiral until we finally get a rework that works.
100% botched in almost every aspect. Whats the point in having core talents but not even worth using in 90% of a dungeon? Its bad design.
Its not even comparible how much synergy we have now compared to SL. You can now even choose between 3 builds and not grief your party. Nzoth build is completely bonkers with excellent burst and sustain high damage. You offer some ST though.
they got half way through reworking it. and Left it in some hybrid Leftovers between void form and Devouring plague. it was awful design wise. even though it looked to be progressing well.
Shadow priest, is at its best design currently since Cata. Every design “Could be better”. theres always no matter how good things are. theres something u’d want added.