Shadowy insight procs should work like

ITs just annoying and frustration 3 new ability’s you are forced to play in to to be able to do damage nothing ventured in to Dark ascension Mind bender playstyle at all no buffs towards that play style or any attetemps making 2 different side specs working from the dev side its just boring i hate shadow crash wish it would die.

Just play it anyway? I ran Ysharrj Nzoth Ire with Mindbender and Dark Ascension in an AV 25 earlier and did 135k overall. You’ll also see across the top Shadow Priest keys a solid mix of talent choices including all 4 idols, both cooldowns, as well as with and without mind sear.

At this point you’re complaining about things that aren’t even true.

Void form deals 10k more than its counter part in aoe and St you are just gimping your self playing DA

In some keys maybe, in others definitely not.

also whats the point of having a pet who doesnt cleave just is there like a 2nd dot why can’t they make so you can unclick it i hate having something that doesnt even benefit my dps just a rescores dot [Shadowfiend]

Inescapable Torment?

also whats the point of having a pet who doesnt cleave just is there like a 2nd dot why can’t they make so you can unclick it i hate having something that doesnt even benefit my dps just a rescores dot [Shadowfiend]

Literally mage can press 2 buttons to deal 174 k aoe meanwhile 5 buttons to deal 124k as shadow and 2 of them requires you to aim you charr and have luck the tank don’t run a mile.

also you need to play [Idol of C’Thun][Idol of Yogg-Saron]

the dev team must drink heavy drinks if they think this is fun.

Are you saying the most you do in AoE is 124k?

In SL i did 240k any pull now its between 127 - 480

the aoe is not fun just boring repetitive mage is more fun just lay your dots on the target frost mage plays much better than this specc togethere.

So almost every class gets a change or buff. But spriest gets nothing. Spriest dps rotation is still horrible. So when you DP because of free procs but have every other skills up and your mind flay proc is yelling at you. “PRESS ME” yet it does no dmg. After your burst phase you are stuck doing a weak rotation with clunky spell procs. Spriest aoe is RNG while other classes aoe = 2 button and doesn’t required a big cd. "again my 390 BM hunter does the same amount of dmg as my 410 spriest. 99% update BM hunter even with mechanic.

Just saying its not only me.

In sl 240k maybe in gambit first pull or some shenanigans in sanguine depths. Otherwise i would love to see you do that number on “any” pull.

This is very brutal to read. That wouldnt be true even before the buffs…let alone now. yconsidering that bm doesnt even have Neltharax, this is a massive L on your part skillwise.

Spriest aoe is RNG while other classes aoe = 2 button and doesn’t required a big cd.’t%20required%20a%20big%20cd.

Gaaaah watching this back I play it so badly too :confused:

one being blizzard don’t care as usual priest has 45 sec interrupt fear that you need to stand at tank to do lol then a wonky mcflurry weird aoe with mind sear nerfed to cost insanity.

all i can say still say this aoe sucks compared to SL they took something good with SL and made so only 1% can play it. Shadow needs a rework. By a team that cares. Mind spike and void torrent can duck my pets.

Good damage but you are showing it to a 12 years old kid, who will never be able to accept it.

Thats why you cannot play it. Maybe consider a reroller to…hunter?,Mind%20Spike%3A%20Feels%20really%20clunky%20to%20have%20two%20fillers%20(along%20with,one%20that%20includes%20channeling%20it%20while%20moving%20to%20address%20the%20mobility.,-There%E2%80%99s%20some%20other

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