<Shady Oaks> 4/8HC Recruiting DPS

We are looking to bolster our roster with a few more DPS, and one strong healer. Current progress 4/8 HC. Our long term goal is to enter mythic, once we have the right roster for this.

Our raid days are Monday and Wednesday from 20-23 ST

If this sounds interesting to you, please head over to our discord https://discord.gg/tH42a7Ctkj

-Shady Oaks-

We are very interested in a monk!

If you ever consider changing raidtimes to 19-21.30 let me know. I got 4 mythic raiders looking for the right guild. All luck to you guys! :slight_smile:

19 is a bit too early for us im afraid :confused:

Recruitment update: Looking for a tank, and a few more DPS of any class and spec

Looking for DPS of all classes. Maybe a tank as well. Progression 7/8 normal our first raid ever together