Shaman as healer dont need shield?

I was play Shaman as resto in Remix as tried. I noticed they drop staff and two hand mace from LFR.
Alwasy remember shaman resto REALLY must be use shield with one-hand.

But new thing dont need? Can wear two hands? Also unsure double one-hands too? All with intellect

Shaman healers dont strictly need to use a shield. They can use a staff instead.

If the staff has the same ilvl as the shield + 1hand its the same statistics.

You cant have 2 1-handed weapons though… That is only for Enhancement.

But using a staff has consequences. What a shield provides that a staff does not is extra armor. And a lot…

So. In PvE content there are very few mechanics that deal phisical damage. Unless of course you are getting meleed by mobs. But thats a tank problem.

In PvP content, you do want to use a shield. Because there is a lot of melee hits you will receive and is a massive advantage.


Either as ele or resto using a staff is totally fine IF its an improvement in item level or better stats then 1 hand and shield, however a 1 hand and shield is always preferred due to the ton of extra armor you get from the shield

Shield is really only needed for pvp for more armor

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