Shaman Cant Wield Thunderfury

  • Before i get into this, im not shaman main so keep that in mind
    Are we going to Enter a 6th Dimension if shaman use that Legendery?

Why In the World shaman cant Wield thunderfury (one handed sword)
Like All Shaman Abilities are About THUNDER Like Thunder bolt - Windfury (yes Windfury totem exist plus some inneresting talents name)

Why Wow cant Connect any of these, its not that hard, i assume there will be A WAR if they allow shamans to use One handed sword

Well i guess if blizzard going to change in future… i might have to spoil the next legendery
It must be for rogues in the Midnight expansion, Right? make sense? Veil of Midnight? Spoiler alert
Well if not… Prepare for the Unforeseen consequences


Because then hunters would lose their mind.

Even Thrall could use a sword in the maw.


Hunter weapon

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Back in the day they had a rule that each spec had a weapon type that they could not use.

For shamans that was swords.

Oh the mogs that I would use if we could use them…

To be honest…

Then I want to use my Blades of Azzinoth with my warrior. They are currently sitting in my bank.

I used to be able to use them. Cant anymore because they are “warglaves”.

So… equality for all right? :slight_smile:


Shamans don’t use swords…?

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because it’s not what shaman can wear according to the lore of the game.

Never understood why we cannot spec into whatever weapon we want to use and gain different benefits from using it .
Like 2 hand maces increase damage , but reduce haste .
And daggers which increase speed and haste , but do less damage .

I personally envisioned my warlock with a 2 hand sword .
Would have been great to go mele style and whack some damage back , when pushed into a corner .
Or straight out demonic power + metamorphosis .

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This is just not true or warriors would not be able to equip every single weapon in the game back in the days. The only one they can’t equip is warglaive and I doubt that counts as “back in the days”.

thunder and lightning are indead the nature aspects of spells by a Shaman,

but i believe at the time of release only horde could be shamans so giving thunderfury to horde only would not be balanced

in retail wow however, i agree… shamans should be able to wield swords

I hope we can transmog swords someday…

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Thats why they gave 1 handed axe to rogue later i guess.

Also wands.


Yeah… Someone has to DO something

Anduin is a priest and can use two handed sword
Who cares about lore if blizzard failed to make sense ig?

He is a paladin more than a priest.
but also those Lore characters do not count as one class and can mix and match things as they want according to blizzard

Can they use Wands?

Fair play, although I wouldn’t count wands as a weapon but that’s a personal thing seeing as the wand classes in classic still had actual weapons equipped.

He’s a Paliest ha ha

Because what ever stat was your ‘best’ you would chase that weapon. In a game where players try an mix-max every little possibility you’ll never have real choice.

Wands are main hand, they are the weapon.