Shaman Enh - Searing Totem

I have been looking for any post related with this topic, and as i did not found any, will open a new discussion about that.

Have any enhacement shaman noticed a weird behaviour with searing totem?
I mean, reading the description i’ts clear that searing totem will priorize mobs with active fire shock or stormstrike.

But when i’m in combat with big pulls, i can see my searing totem attacking someone else.
Of course, searing totem is attacking to enemies with shock fire, but not my actual focus which it have stormstrike applied too.

That means that i have to search the enemy with 5 stacks, change focus, apply fire shock because is near to expire, cast unleash elements to get bonus for lava lash, AND THEN, cast lava lash which was ready for at least 4 or 5 seconds…

Can anyone else confirm if the same thing happens?


Yes, it tends to switch target when you spread FS with LL.

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