Shaman heal/dps LF guild

Hey, I am looking for a casual guild to hang out with, do some mythic+, maybe some raiding (N or HC) or even PVP, but generally to chill with. I am 30+ years old, been playing WoW since TBC in and out, raided mythics once, but no longer interested into hardcore gaming. I am a chill, laid back person, not looking for dramas or item chasing toxicity. I am playing together with my wife, so perhaps she might join the guild as well to play (she plays better than me lol, done her share of cutting edge). I am not much into joining discord as we usually hang out together at home, but I can join to do some organized content. I prefer to use chat so would be good if the guild had an active chat. I could raid from a bench, once a week or as part of alt run, perfectly ok. Would love to join an established guild. Hit me up here or at Molious#2659

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Hello Bleakstare

I think you might like our guild and if you want more details we can have a one on one chat if you’d like.
It is a friendly environment like you are looking for.

You can check out our recruitment post and my contact details are in there.