Shaman healing totem?

Hey i was wondering why blizzard forgot to implement a healing relic/totem for resto shamans? I see a hybrid/shockadin libram and a healing libram for paladins but only 2 elem totems for shamans… How come? I still use BFD totem… (i know its useless, but still better than healing rain and LHW totems wich i never use)

The frostbrand/water shield/chain lightning totems is supposed to be the resto totem since the new t2 set bonus has us heal by casting chain lightning.

It is a garbage system and we again have no relic that is not very situational but what can you do…

You also need the 4 set t2 to get any use at all from this relic, not sure what they were thinking designing a relic for a set bonus.

Haven’t you heard? Shamans always get everything they want and all is perfect with this class, if you believe what people write on these forums.

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Yeah ok. Garbage. I dont understand why they dont let us choose if we want the clunky hybrid way or a normal healing spec. Guess its time to stop the sub