Shaman immortal in pvp

The amount of shaman cope in this thread could power wow servers for many many years to come.

Shamans want to have their cake and eat it too by being overtuned while also complaining that they are not overtuned enough.

Having an easy time 1v1 any class is simply not enough, unless shamans can kill 2-3 players alone its “unfair”.


typical shaman response :rofl:


The OP has even stated that himself and the shaman were both glads in tbc, so its fairly easy to say they both have a grasp on how to play and niether have a " skill issue " that i keep seeing shamans say.

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shaman is not overtuned, you are a bad player.

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If you are so bad that you lose with a shaman, i think you might be the bad player


i don’t lose.
where did i imply i lose?
i win, because i am a winner.
been a winner even when i played the meme version of shaman.
check my classic vanilla logs; Zmugzmug Gandling.

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maybe you win because you play shaman?

can you read?
i win as a shaman in the version of the game where shaman is the weakest class in the game.

can you read?

the op said both players duelling were glads in tbc, and the shaman cant lose,

its not rocket science to figure out that if you put 2 equals in a duel and 1 class comes on top everytime, that means the classes far from equal, indicating that 1 is more overtuned than the other.

you didnt even read the op, you just jump to the defend of your main class like every other shaman on this thread.

SOD pvp is literally doomed because of players like you.


OP is full of crap though. he’s been campaigning to nerf shaman since forever, because he’s a bad player who refuses to grow, learn, adapt and overcome.
the hallmark of a bad player.
go roll a rogue or mage, oh wait those no longer clap shaman as free kills in pvp. must be tough to actually have someone fight back.

cry me a river. shaman is perfectly fine and this is a l2p issue.

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You deserve hex and bloodlust in next Phase.


now now zmug, lets drop the " L2P " and " skill issue " nonsense, its a debate and that doesnt achieve anything in your bid,

ive quit sod so im not experienced in P3 pvp, so can you tell me how and why shamans dont need a nerf?

and then hopefully someone from the opposing side can do the same for why they DO need a nerf,

becasue this whole l2p and skill issue stuff is utter BS, can we get some numbers and statistics on this? i genuinely would like to know who is right on this subject as i wont be resubbing to find out myself.

WOE/Rockbiter/DW combo is what made enhancement shaman broken in pvp.
that has been nerfed, shaman is now a glass cannon, he dies in 2 globals. (that is assuming no dmg reduction aura).

Overcharged was busted, it got nerfed, nobody uses it for pvp now, they use riptide for self sustain (absolutely needed to mitigate dying in 2 globals).

people who are too dumb to press their dispel button, silence button, CC button or break his totems have no right to complain, because that’s a l2p issue.

so many noobs play this game who barely know their own class, let alone how to deal with other classes.

“vanilla is braindead easy” yeah if you have actual in-game knowledge, its easy… if you don’t, well, that’s why you get clapped by shamans.

there is no aspect of Enhancement shaman that is OP in pvp right now - nothing.
people saying we one-shot them in pvp as if that’s anything new expected to walk into this game and find a free kill were in for the rudest awakening of their whole damn lives when they discovered that shaman is no longer what they expected to be, and they simply cannot cope.

if i had to ACTUALLY air on your side of the equation, the only thing that is remotely busted right now is ELEMENTAL (note; NOT enhancement) shaman running way of earth in pvp, and even with WOE on, an elemental shaman is the easiest class in the game to lock down.

a literal rogue kick will lock down HIS ENTIRE SPELL SCHOOL ARSENAL (nature) because totems (yes, even fire and water) count as nature spells, so a simple bloody interrupt will effectively take him out of the game for however long the spell school lock lasts.

don’t even get me started on hard silence effects like counterspell (8 seconds complete lockdown) or SP silence which doesn’t even require you to use it while he is casting to lock him down.

when a literal kick is all it takes to relegate a shaman into being unable to cast anything but frost shock and flame shock, it very much becomes an l2p issue, and this is just concerning interrupt/silence effects.

we haven’t even started on the other gazillion types of CC in the game that shaman is also extra vulnerable to.



Anyone that is pro shaman nerf, please take the stage.

Guess I’ll play the devil’s advocate:

Shaman OP!!1 Nerf naow! Burst+?? Heal??? Totems??? TOTEMS???

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SHIVETTE, you know you shouldn’t be the forums between 1pm and 8pm, we’ve talked about this, you have a curfew.

I’m a bit of a rascal :smirk:

Hence why a general X% nerf to pvp on everything is not a good idea. Some spells hit for nothing now, and some classes did not rly need a nerf.

But, like everything else, this was the fastest way with the smallest dev time needed aka cost cutting, to address as many problems as possible.

Aka this is not a proper fix to the problem, but same as them killing off GDKPs to stop ppl from buying gold, this will have about the same effect. For some it will be very annoying, and for others it wont make any difference at all.

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Man i havent been on here since they nerfed shamans thought they woke up from their drug coma but now they do this XD 50% DMG REDUCE AND NO HEALING REDUCEE!! BOOMIES HAD 9K ARMOR AND COULD HEAL FOR 12K BEFORE NERF UNKILLABLE NOW
WARLOCKS BEAT ALMOST EVERYONE BEFORE UNBEATABLE NOW SPRIESTS CRYING CUZ 2 DOTS DONT WORK ANYMORE NOW THEY GOTTA GET OUT OF SFORM AND HEAL THEN REAPPLY AND STILL WIN WHILE ROGUE MELEE HUNTER FERAL DUDU AND WARR SCRATCH THEM FOR 400 CRITS !!? if you dont understand the game blizzard dont balance it some classes are top dps because they got no self heal or deffensives others are hybrids and deal not as much dps thats just the game if u can heal ur not a good dps in raid deal with it! obv blizz is taking to much coke it seems

And you say you won pvp tournaments as enha shaman?
Well, your green logs (every good pvp-er is able to also parse in SoD) and your lack of knowledge really makes me doubt that.

Counterspell is a 4sec hard silence when specced into it and a 10sec interrupt if you counter a spell. So unless you are referring to a -20% interrupt reduction, that 8sec is wrong in any situation and certainly not a full duration hard silence.

I don’t believe your opinion regarding pvp balance can be taken seriously just on these two simple indicators. Even most challenger and all duelist players know about core ability durations. It is therefore highly unlikely you are a top PvP-er, and we have clear empirical proof you’re certainly not a top PvE-er either. There is no good reason to take your opinion seriously.