Shaman immortal in pvp

So me and my friend have been dueling. Hes a good player. We are both tbc glad, and duelist on 2 other chars.

Hes playing a ele shaman in sod. With earshield and riptide lava bursy overload ect.

He is un killable … as in even if i do my full pve rotation with my silence. I go oom in shadowform before. They are the most op class that wow has ever produced.

Far worse than hunter stampede… far worse than rogue fan of knives. Far worse than DK season 5. Far worse than SLSL warlock. You get the picture. Ive done pvp on wow for 20 years.

They are compeltly and i mean completly broken…


Lol why u even cry about any class,when they made a patch that reduces flat damage by 50%,which means all classes that can self heal are op now?Try to kill a boomie now btw, u will enjoy it xDD

Ofc its shaman responding. Man cant imagine his class not being best tank/heal/dps since P1. Broken as.s shamans. Nerf them to irelevancy again please.


Maybe reduce healing output in the same way as dmg


Nerf shamans


Fkill iffue



Skill issue. Shamans are fine

Paladins, on the other hand…


Sham are fine ? you make my day


I do 300 dmg lighting bolt with 2 sec cast and people have 5-6 k hp on bg.My ability to survive doesnt really make me happy cause i want to kill people and not run around spaming riptide on myself as elem.

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nice bait, aint gona happen

yeah lets just crush all the numbers at this point, lets add actual damage reduction to peoples attacks on the aura too. 50% damage output nerf combined with the 50% less damage taken nerf AND a 50% healing nerf.
its going to be brilliant.

stop trolling bro. flagged.

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Shamans have been the main problem of SOD for too long : nerf them into Oblivion and irrelevance


Only Bad players cry all day’s try upgrade your skills, and stop blaming shaman, they are good pally who Can nearly send you to hell with a 4 sec stun! Horde cry for this ? No.
Juste play and be better.

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sounds like a skill issue, honestly, at least up until this weekend.
this blanket dmg nerf buffed all healers - including shaman - so of course we get people like you crying for more shaman nerfs.

before this aura went live, shamans were glass cannons that would die in 2 globals if they have no maelstroms.
they can’t even shamanistic rage from inside a stun, so it should be no problem killing them inside a stunlock either.

kite them, stun them, throw literally anything at them and they will die.
let them get close and they will send you to the shadow realm - this is not new, this has been happening for 20 years, please deal with it retail andy.

in case you play melee? don’t fight a shaman in a straight up fight unless you are a warrior with a pocket healer, because its more likely than not that his damage output > your damage output as it should be hence why you need to CC him.

shaman has no CC of their own and they are historically notorious for being super vulnerable to all forms of cc (except fear in case he is smart enough to put a tremor up).


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You mean the tickling big bad monster critting exorcisms for 250 and throwing hoj for 250-300 dmg now?


Priest cries that shamans are broken… Mem.

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“don’t fight a shaman in a straight up fight unless you are a warrior with a pocket healer, because its more likely than not that his damage output > your damage output as it should be hence why you need to CC him.”

So you are telling us that shaman should have better dmg output than warrior while having the best ingame utility (instant heals, grounding, BoF, in combat ghost form, tremor, 5sec interupt, ranged slow, ranged AoE slow, purge, disease AoE cleanse, poison cleanse…)?

Yeah, that sounds fair.

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that’s exactly what i’m telling you.
lock him down and kill him like a good player would and stop crying for nerfs.

shaman players have walked the path of the gimp for 20 years so we’ve been forced to adapt and overcome, its only natural that now when our class is viable, our already adapted ability to deal with classes stronger than us are intensified by a margin of 10x.

of course we’re going to stomp you when we have stuff like maelstrom, overcharged, mental dex, riptide etc. at our disposal, because we learned to clap you without those tools… how strong do you think we’ll get WITH a bunch of tools that take our class from meme status to not only viable, but on the stronger side of the equation?

dude, i won tournaments as enh shaman in vanilla. nobody in this game is a threat to me, with or without runes.

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You should try to dual Enhance, it’s even more busted.