Shaman lore orc vs tauren

So checking up on the lore I feel like Orcs have it going on for shamanism the most and taurens hold hunters in higher regards.

I always believed tauren’s to be the most iconic shamans personally, to the point that I once thought it’d of been better to have tauren shaman and night elf druid as the faction specific classes.

However, I was told that tauren’s reintroduced orcs to shamanism so obviously there shamans are legit ogs too. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.

I see in classic orcs use tauren totems too, is this done on purpose? If so why?

Just really interested in the lore of these 2 races at the moment, and wondering if people want add their thoughts/knowledge of these two races class lore?

Actually in the lore, there is not a “og shaman race”, as all races that were “primitive” in nature, meaning that had smaller civilizations closer to natures had shamans (through a connection and veneration of elementals).
Think that all of those races, from taurens, trolls, gnolls, to quilboars, etc, had shamanism in their cultures. even in other worlds (like draenor) that elemental spirits were still present, shamanism was present. In the case of orcs, after the demonic corruptions, the elements stopped communicating to them, but some broken draenai started communing with those.
The orcs started being shamans again when they were under thrall’s new horde (and probably after returning to their shamanistic nature with taurens and trolls).

As for why other races were not shamans, must be probably of their more “advanced” civilizations, and what i mean by that is:
Most other races belong to 2 categories, the titanroged, and the elves (offshoots of the trolls).
Both of those groups had special circumstances, either being created by a cosmic force for a specific purpose (titanforged) and then deviating from it, or being comically “buffed” by the power of the sunwell. In both of these cases, their arcane knowledge was in such a spot, that having shamanism in their culture was incompatible.

P.S. in classic totems had the same skins for all horde races. dunno if that was for a lore reason, but i believe it was more of a technical decision. But if you wanna have a “lore” first shaman race, that prob should have been the trolls (with their thousands years old empire).

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Ok, I get ya but look at it this way …

Goblin Shamans have been getting better deals from the elemental spirits for just as long as any other race, there are no barriers to pacts and contracts for us

Therefore it is possible that Shaman lore is more tightly bound to Goblins than any other race

As Goblins are also ipso facto the PR agents for the elemental spirits it is likely that the other Azeroth races first heard of Shamanism via our publicity campaigns

Ok, Orcs are a different case but don’t forget the Goblins !

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