Shaman Tank!

The link above gives a brief idea of shaman Tank!

Here is another link

All thanks to kurothar#2070!

  • Here are the images for those that are lazy to see the link.

Now if someone could post all the images the high lvl forum rank!


I’d love a shaman tank spec. Way back when, in Vanilla, I tanked everything up to and including UBRS on my enhancement shaman, and it was mighty fun.

However, I do not like the Fragments of the Earth mechanic. Having to move as a tank, almost constantly, is mighty annoying, not only to me, but for every melee player too (and to a lesser extent, every ranged aswell). Makes it harder to avoid frontals and cleaves for everybody, even if it’s just a very quick sidestep and back.

Kiting is one thing (also a case where Fragments are a tad undershelming, imo), but the constant shuffle would drive any melee mad.


Also WL tank plz

game needs more tanks and healers so im ok with this

also as previous poster said warlock can tank(demon form)…AND heal (blood /void/fel infusion magic)

and also mage can heal (time lore like bronze dragons,threads of time , reverse harm etc)

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In TBC I tried tanking some dungeons, did okish. Main problem I had was aggro. Kept losing it to the healer.

These days I feel much squishier, if I get 2 or 3 mobs at one time I need to pop my Earth Ele even though I have a shield. Think it started around Legion this feeling for squishiness.

I would like an Earth Spec as tank for Shammies.

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Would love more tanking specs into the game!

But do agree with Ancelyn that the suggested mitigation mechanics is a tad too hard and not friendly at all.
Don’t get me wrong, i LOVE classes that can sustain themselves like BDK/VDH and shields would be another wonderful way of sustain but moving around picking up fragments is not something that makes me excited.

What if instead said fragments spawn a “Lesser Earth Elemental” that basically transfer the hit you suffer on them? Kind of a “Soul Link” mechanics.


I’d love to see Shaman Tanks being able to use both 2handers and 1hand-shield, whichever they prefer. In a similar way to Fury Warrior with 1handers / 2handers, you’d get different buffs based on which you wield. 2hander would come with a crit based, high burst high parry build while 1hander+shield would come with a more block (mastery I’d assume) based good sustain build.

Would be nice to have another tanking spec in the game. There are already few enough.

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Would be amazing 4th spec.

no way, warlock tank makes more sense. shammys have melee dps, ranged dps, healer spec and now you want a fourth spec for em?
warlock has dps, dps and erm dps.
warlock tank spec … i turn in to a big demon and go tanky

Druids would like a word…

Warlocks are like Mages; both have three disciplines/schools of magic for different ways of causing damage.
Metamorphosis was the closest Warlocks got Tanking, but maybe they’d need to assume an MDPS fight style for it to be a true Tank style… may also be why Demon Hunter “stole it”, being a Melée Class.

but thats the point, theres already a couple of class that can do everything so why another.
When dk came out, there was plenty of tanks about and now theres not so many.
We need a brand new class of tank. Just think how many new tanks there would be if it was a revolutionary tank thats brand new.

again thats the point. These classes are pure dps … you dont have an option to be anything else.
Turn a warlock in to a tank makes more sense to me. I dont mind the idea of a ranged tank, doesnt have to be a melee tank. Would be harder to programme i suppose. Maybe melee is the better option then.

People aren’t going to play tank and healer just because new specs get added that can tank and heal. People just pick the DPS specs of those classes.

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If you give shaman a tank spec you would have to give

paladin a caster dps spec
lock a tank spec
DH a soul healing spec

The list could go on and on but its bad enough now to balance 36 specs .

Same as now. People who like to tank, would just reroll to the new one. People who don’t like to tank, still wouldn’t roll one.

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No, it needs more tank and healer players. A new tank/healer spec has never fixed the shortage, existing tanks/healers just swap class.

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The game doesn’t even need more tanks and healers, there’s a’plenty. We just don’t like to pug. :slight_smile:

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well i disagree with you there. Id love to play a lock tank and would do so. Same as i did when dk tanks first came out. I still have my dk tank and still use it.

Or… We could just ask for a 100% uptime earth elemental for the Resto spec with increased hp/dmg reduction, slot in a Deep Tremor legendary… And voila a Shaman tank spec who can work as both a Tank and a Heal for the 5 man party?

It won’t be the best tank, it won’t help you to clear mythic raids BUT it will be enough for low to mid keys in m+ and will help out with tank shortage? :joy:

So you already enjoy playing tank, seeing as you have a DK and still use it. How that does disagree with my assessment?

you said people wouldnt play a new tank spec because they dont like to tank.
Im saying, as a person who doesnt use addons and thus tanking is hard for me, that i was tempted to play a dk tank and i did. I dont do mythic blahblah or raid above normal, but as someone who dabbles in tanking (thanks to dk) im saying that i would be tempted to use a lock tank, if such a spec existed and, thus, i would increase the number of tanks in the game … which is a perennial problem with wow.